Saincemail E-mail Template is a Modern and Clean Design email template Useful for you Marketing Business . Features: 80 Valid E-mail Templates 8 Themes 10 colors variations Modern and Clean Design Valid HTML Code Mailchimp Ready PSD File included Well Documented Attention! Images only Preview not included .Image from you can download IDs can be found in the templates user manual. If purchase, please vote this item. Thank you! If you like this template you may also like:... READ MORE

Review Left On 06/13/2022
Do you have this as a responsive Wordpress theme? If you don’t, I’d recommend you start thinking about it. This would be a bestseller.

Review Left On 06/16/2022
I had to do some adjustments to make it more generic for our MailChimp usage. (e.g. added “mc:hideable” & “mc:repeatable” to most of the blocks; corrected the “more”-button – which wasn’t linkable; added “max-width” to the images and so on)
But overall, really good and solid work.
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