WPML \u0026amp; Localization ( .po .mo ) Ready! Kaleido is a responsive fullscreen portfolio studio theme for creative professionals and agencies. Live Demo http://kaleido.imaginemthemes.com/wp/ Support http://support.imaginemthemes.com WordPress 3.5 Ready! Includes WP 3.5 Iris Color Selector in Theme Options Screens Display Fullwidth bloglist and 2 column Blog list variations Support Forum http://support.imaginemthemes.com Responsive Kaleido theme is reponsive. It responds differently changing layout based on device and resolution. You can check the features by resizing your browser window or navigating from the device. Advance Options Unbranded Theme Options Shortcode Generators Multi Colo... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Thank you for taking interest in purchasing Kaleido theme.
The theme will be WP 4.9 compatible.
If there’s any problem, we can help through our support forum http://support.imaginemthemes.co/

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi, I’ve been using this theme for years now and am still very happy with it. But it seems that I’m losing my child menu when I update to WP 5.5. Could that be a theme issue?

Review Left On 05/04/2022
we are getting this error . can you please help ..
Failed to load plugin url: http://savitri.mahanatisavitri.in/wp-content/themes/kaleido/functions/shortcodegens/columns/langs/en.js
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Review Left On 05/28/2022
Hi, does the theme work with WP 5.7? I would like to update, but I’m currently using WP 5.5 with jQuery migrate helper plugin and have some warnings about deprecated js in the theme.

Review Left On 08/22/2022
I can’t access the support forums – how do I contact you directly? I sent a reset to my email but I have not received any such response. I need to address why this contact form is not working.
When I submit through the form no email is ever received:

Review Left On 09/07/2022
Hi, i have a problem with your theme:
Warning: Declaration of description_walker::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /web/htdocs/www.agrariopescia.edu.it/home/naturalitas/wp-content/themes/kaleido/framework/functions/framework-functions.php on line 99