Infinitus is very sleek and minimal style theme specailly designed for coprporate or business purpose. But this can also be used for personal site. If you really like my template, please appreciate my template and give rating. Main Features Responsive Design 5 Homepage layout variations 5 Homepage slider to choose 15 Short codes to use from. 2 Color styling to choose (Blue \u0026amp; Green) Valid 48 HTML pages 3 Blog style to choose 3 Portfolio style to choose Sorting portfolio style One vector layered psd file included Working contact form Custom Awesome Font icons Documentation and many more v1.1 – January 29th, 2013 Added four color skins Update... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
i have the problem with Homepage Gallery – the price shown there is netto?!!!
Can you please fix this?

Review Left On 04/11/2022
What a fantastic design, this is one thats visually great and simple to use. Good luck with this.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
hello mannat,
I am very impressed with this template, so clean and easy to use. But, I have a very strange and annoying problem with pretty gallery. When pop-up image, every few second page is reloading. Need help for that… plz
Best regards.
Nevia - Responsive HTML5 Template
Scotty - Responsive Landing Page
Circles PSD Template
Photolio - Facebook Photography/Portfolio Template
LIVE GRID - Responsive Interactive HTML Portfolio

Review Left On 04/28/2022
I like it.
Could you please add a LinkedIn and GitHub Icon on Get Socialize On section at startpage and on Faces Behind Infinitus on about us page!
I would really like if I could have those aswell!
In your time.
Best regards.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello Interested in this template but when viewing it in ie7 under windows xp it looked strange and unusable and could not click items that worked in firefox and further their are javascript errors. Upon page load
Could you please correct these .

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi, there is strange problem when I use portfolio-gal-col4.html template. Your isotope script does not work as expected. Also on your site the problem is the same!
The problem is that when you visit the page for the first time the portfolio items overlap and the height is too short and cuts the content in half. When you filter it then it works great all of the item content shows up!
Can you please help me with that?
Best regards.

Review Left On 05/19/2022
I have a simple problem using Ajax with prettyPhoto.
I have a format like this data-gal=”prettyPhoto[ajax]” href=”/show-job.html?ajax=true&height=650&width=860” in a link tag.
It works great in Chrome when I click on the link and the show-job.html content shows up as a pop up.
In Firefox and IE the show-job.html content do show up but it shows up beneath all content and not in a pop up!
I think it is a modernizer problem but I do not know? Do you know?
Best regards!

Review Left On 07/18/2022
Your demo is down. Server says you’ve exceeded your bandwidth. Better get something a bit better than the Hostgator $1 a year option.

Review Left On 08/23/2022
Hello, I want to know how I can change the size about menu because I just have only 3 bottoms.
Thank you very much.