Squares is a vCard/Portfolio template built with the latest web standards and best practices. Introduce yourself and your work to future clients and employers through a clean and simple web page. The template is built on top of HTML5 Boilerplate which ensures an optimized, robust and future-proof site. With clean, SEO friendly and semantic code, jumping in to edit the content is a breeze. Check out all of the features below.Features Unobtrusively Enhanced with Javascript Unique Page Transitions Smooth CSS3 Animations Custom-Made Animated Bar Graph Hand Tailored Portfolio Slideshow Fully Functional, Self-Validating AJAX Contact Form Six Color Presets and Background Patterns Credits Built on top of HTML5 Boilerplate UI icons:... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
One last thing (I think!), it appears I’m receiving quite a bit of spam…any way to add a simple “captcha”?

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Would it be possible to clear the contact form contents after it’s been sent? How?
Thank you and Best Regards

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I have two questions:
Is it possible to have a copy of the theme with the background with the dark squares?
And is it possible to “fix” a colour when you open the theme? (for example: when you open the website blue is already taken)
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Review Left On 04/22/2022
is there an easy way to show a video in the portfolio section instead of images? that would make that already awesome template even more awesome…

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Sure, on line 325 in js/script.js you should see this code:
After that line, insert this code:
contactForm.find("input[type=text], textarea").val("");
This should clear the contact form once the message has been sent.
Let me know if you run into any trouble and I’ll be glad to instruct you further.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Thanks for making this amazing template! It was really easy getting my content into this template (which is a first) and getting the site ready to be published. Great work!

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hey, awesome theme. Just wondering how to get the shadow effect on the main container like it shows on the preview image for your theme here
Thank you very much, this theme is great. Just had this one little question.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
First, as others have said, amazing template. My only question is…would it be possible to add a 5th button (?) at the bottom of the page and somehow pull my most recent blog posts from my blog.domain.com? Nothing fancy, just my most recent posts and possibly a small snippet.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Also, is there any chance you have the portfolio images as just the backgrounds, no gofer, bird, fish, etc?

Review Left On 05/23/2022
Quick question before purchase!
The width of the container is 660px – a bit small for what I want to use it for. Is it possible to scale the ‘tile’ effect that occurs when changing ‘pages’ up to 720 or bigger?
Thanks and beautiful work. I also started reading your blog! Keep up the good work!

Review Left On 07/05/2022
Thanks for this amazing theme. I have an issue when I made a link of any page, if I click on the link, I go well to the page but the nav button related to the page is not highlighted. Is there a way to fix that ?

Review Left On 07/27/2022
I also am getting a LOT of spam from the form. Is it possible to add a simple question to the form to verify the sender is a person? {like a basic math question or something that requires a specific answer to send message)

Review Left On 08/09/2022
I was tested in my iPhone 4 and 5 that’s not responsive. Could you fix that?

Review Left On 09/01/2022
First of all, sorry for my english.. I’ve got a problem with the .htaccess file. When i put its on my vhost server, i’ve got an internal error..
Thanks for your reply,