OrangeTheme is a HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 fully responsive layout. It’s a template suitable for restaurant / cafe / club / nightclub or personal blog. Our theme contains: 14 precisely designed pages \u0026amp; subpages 2 sliders (Nivo Slider \u0026amp; Flex Slider) 5 color themes over 210 predefined icons various button sizes YouTube Playlist Event Calendar... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
I am VERY interested in purchasing this theme, However I was wondering if there was an update on the WordPress Compatible version?

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Its an awesome template, thx for the work.
I have problem with the calendar as seen on the picture.
I dont want the event on the 1st august getting repeated on september too.
How can I solve this?
Unfortunately I cant find my purchase code so I cant open a support ticket.
Can you help me?

Review Left On 04/12/2022
I love the template and I’ve found it really easy to customize. However, I do have a question regarding the “HOME” Navigation link in mobile devices. On my PC the “HOME” button links you back to the homepage. However, when you click “HOME” on mobile devices it doesn’t do anything….it just sits there on the same page.
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Review Left On 05/01/2022
Very nice template!
5 stars!
Pls. can you send me the contact.php.
I do NOT know how to make that.
You wrote in one of your comments, that you will update that in future.
Pls. can you send it to me now???
It is urgent for a client of me….
Thanx a lot in advance…. :-))

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi nice to meet you. I have some questions.
1 – I could send a “contac.php”?
2 – In the event calendar section, I would like to know how to set the current month that the days I want to just leave that month.
3 – I could send the html to share in socials icons?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
would like to request the possibility to have more than 1 event per day, like if you hover the mouse over the day, the events “pop up” side by side, horizontally.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
not a lot of exp here. just wondering how do i change (add/delete events) the event calendar items. also if i want to keep a default color scheme as pink without leaving the options to change scheme. i think that’s it. Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 06/12/2022
first of all… great job!
I need to know how to create events on the calendar
without repeat each months.
So if schedule events on 6th 10th 15th 22th november … i have that repeated on the same days in december
Pls, give me a solution to fix it.
Thx a lot.

Review Left On 06/30/2022
Can you please send me a code example for the contact.php page? I sent an email to [email protected] requesting this same info.
The Help Desk link asks for a Purchase code and I am unable to locate that code so I cannot submit a ticket for this request. Can you tell me where I might find it?

Review Left On 07/05/2022
So I am not a programmer, If say I choose to use this template, how difficult will it be to change and add content, comparing to WordPress.
Its a nice theme, but I need to know before I purchase.

Review Left On 07/10/2022
hello, i am in need of the contact.php file also, i am not sure how to make this, in all other html templates it is usually included…can you please email me the file asap?!?

Review Left On 07/25/2022
are the psds available with the download?
please advise
looking forward to purchase if psds are available thanks

Review Left On 08/15/2022
I have to agree which is why I purchased this template. It’s just amazing. BUT…...... like everyone on here is wondering how to edit the EVENT CALENDAR. I’ve been trying every different way and have tried all the links to different .js files etc. with NO LUCK. Anyway I can get help with this. I can set events for a month, BUT it repeats for all the months.
Thx in advance and again AMAZING template and I can’t wait to get it up and working for myself.

Review Left On 08/30/2022
Hi, a question: I want the days in the calendar are not repeated every month. Why is that?
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