Metro Mobile – A Mobile Theme for vBulletin 4.2.5 Forum, Blog and vB CMS We are proud to announce Metro Mobile – a mobile vBulletin 4.2.5 style that fully supports forums, blogs and vB CMS. Metro Mobile theme is a clean, contrast and modern vBulletin style to display you forum on a mobile device. Features 10 color schemes; Google web fonts; Completely remade icons; Layered PSD files included; Cross browser support; Easy installation; Full documentation and support. Color schemes The theme has 10 color schemes – Blue, Teal, Green, Lime, Golden, Orange, Red, Violet Red, Purple and Black \u0026amp; White QRCode to view the theme on your mobile device Update List Version 1.0.6 - 05/05/2018 * http/https paths fix for external links Ve... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
I installed your Metro Mobile theme on my vBulletin v4.2.5 But it’s not working properly. I get some jQuery errors. How can i solve this problem?

Review Left On 04/14/2022
hi , does metro mobile theme come with desktop version ? or ONLY mobile version ?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi there,
How can I install the metro mobile style to vbulletin ? i bought it, but i dont understand how install it.
Thank you for your time,
Metronic - Bootstrap 4/5 HTML, VueJS, React, Angular & Laravel Admin Dashboard Theme
myEmpire - Business Portfolio, Shop PSD
MetroShop – Responsive Magento theme!
Core - OnePage HTML5
Booker - Selling eBooks

Review Left On 04/28/2022
I already using your Metro theme, Having an issue like Guests users are not able to see the images only the logged users can see the images.
How to solve this problem?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I am looking for a responsive theme for my vbulletin 4.2.5. I know this is not a responsive theme, but I have been told very well about it. I am looking for a friendly theme to use only in mobile version, before buying it, I would like to make a couple of queries:
1.- Are plugins (like dbtech thanks) well integrated?
2.- Is theme only for mobile or does it also have a desktop version?
Thanks and best regards.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello Theme don’t work in my vbulletin site
I need use your other theme because
This theme of yours does not work well The vbulletin version is correct. what I do?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Love this theme! Emailed you about getting a custom mobile skin for my vB 4.2 forum. Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello, is there not a way using the Metro Mobile theme for vBulletin 4 to attach an image to a post? I go to advanced reply and don’t see a way to?
My purchase code: 469f0215-8cc7-4186-b4a6-3486f73230ed

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hello, I sent you an email but maybe you didn’t receive it correctly. I have few problems with the theme and I wondering if you could help me to resolve?
1- (ICONS PROBLEM) In the main forum index, I can’t see the icons, just a blank space appears, maybe it’s because I’m using custom icons?
- How can I force to show the icons of your theme?
2- (PREFIX PROBLEM) Sometimes i can’t access to the threads. There seems to be a problem with threads that have a prefix. For example: when I click on a thread that has a prefix like ‘NEWS’, it goes to instead of -phones-917225
- ¿How I could resolve this? I would like that go to inside the thread and not to prefix-index
3- (COLLAPSED SUBFORUMS) When I go to a category with different subforums from the top-black-menu this subforums appears +Collpased, instead expanded as the original mobile theme.
- ¿How could show directly expanded to see all subforums in that categories?
4- (QUICK REPLY) If I want to put a reply I have to click a REPLY BUTTON and then appears the editor area to write a comment.
- ¿There is some way to show the editor area directly open, without press the reply button?
Thank you for your help

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi, I purchased your theme however no plugins at all are working, and you can check by yourself there is an issue with the home page display (and the forums are not separated correctly), it just looks horrible :
I had to disable the mobile theme because it just doesn’t work as expected.

Review Left On 06/16/2022
Hi, i am planning touse this theme in my new forum into i want to know how can i add some links and advertising in homepage ?

Review Left On 07/02/2022
Please contact us via our profile page from the account you used to buy the theme. We only support verified users.

Review Left On 07/03/2022
Hi how are you? I am having an issue with your mobile theme
The TITLE tag for each thread is exactly the same, which means that any search engine optimization is not possible. With google switching to mobile indexing first, that means they are pulling meta tags from the VB mobile theme and not the desktop theme. Is there a workaround for this and are you planning on fixing this issue? I want to buy your theme but this is stopping me. Thank you.

Review Left On 07/21/2022
My forum.php page, which is set as my homepage, just shifted in portrait view on a mobile device so there is now about 1/3 of the screen on the left that is blank space. I checked it in both Chrome and Firefox android browsers.

Review Left On 08/10/2022
Hello I buy metro mobile for vbulletin 4.2, for error i use vbulletin 5. I don’t download this app from themeforest please can return money?
Thank You very much for understand my problem
Best Regards
Richard Argaiz