Support Most of the questions are already answered in the FAQ’s – View FAQ’s – Post a New Topic Updates Version 9.6.0 – 21 Mar 22 - Added - Demo Renewable Energy - Added - Demo Transport \u0026amp; Logistics - Added - Portfolio - Extra - Lazy Load Masonry - Added - Features - Headers - Full Width 2 Rows Extra Buttons - Added - Local SVG Warning - Updated - Font Awesome - Removed - Simple Captcha on Advanced Contact Form (View Changelog) Images and Videos The images and videos used on the demo site are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download file.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hello.I just purchased Porto WP template and i downloaded als zip file. When i try to install new theme i get message that file “style.css” is misssing and that is the reason that theme can not install. Please help

Review Left On 04/07/2022
I never used your support, now that I need it they say it’s expired. It seems like a scam to me.

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi there,
I have several purchases of Porto html
I have a questions to multiple large Modals on one page. In previous versions it was simple as you can see here at the very bottom the two links “impressum” und Datenschutzerklärung. With Version 9.5.0 this does not seem to work. Any idea how I can solve this. I searched your formu but could not find anything relevant.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Thank you
MINIMUM - Professional WordPress Theme
Jeexo - Single Page PSD Template
Eleven - Responsive One Page Parallax Template
Bolsa – A Responsive WordPress E-commerce Theme
Venera - Responsive HTML Template

Review Left On 04/10/2022
i tried to install the theme but it gives me “failed because the style sheet is missing” how can i fix?

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi there,
For the Portfolio-5 demo, can i make a button on the landing page the scrolls to the 2nd item in the navigation menu?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
all feature-navigations-vertical*.html files > between 993 and 1128 pixel width there is no menu ?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hello, Thank’s for this template. I have a problem with integration of this template with react js. the template is working but the owl-carousel slide no.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I chose to use the demo-one-page-agency.html and I’m struggeling to find out how to upload only this html with the needed js and css ect ect, without uploading everything and to avoid manual file picking.
How do I do this?

Review Left On 07/08/2022
I am trying to use the flip-card -3d found in index-corporate-17 template into index-portfolio-5 template. but i need to make 2 rows of 4 cards each.
I have already added the 4 cards but would like to control the height of the row.
Is that doable?

Review Left On 07/31/2022
Hello, thanks for your purchase.
You can remove unnecessary files:
/Ajax: The HTML files in that folder are just examples on how to use Ajax requests for your site.
/CSS: Make sure you keep in folders Demos and Skins just the demo files that you are using.
/Images: Go to Demos folder and remove the demos that you are not using, you can also remove the placeholders images (grey images).
/JS: : Make sure you keep in folders Demos, Views and Examples just the demo files that you are using.
/Master: : Do not upload that folder to your host server, those are just the source codes to generate the template.
/Vendor: That folder is where all the plugins used on Porto are located, make sure to keep only the ones you use and are included in the HTML files.
/Videos: Remove the videos that you are not using.
Here are a few tips about the performance:
To get better website performance, there are a few things you can do after you finish your website.
Hosting Plan: It’s not recommended to use a low-cost common hosting plan. Select a fast hosting service. A2Hosting –
Compress and Combine Assets: For example, there are several different ways to compress and combine the assets, this is probably the easiest way:
Optimize Your Images: The images can also be improved, consider to export them in a lower quality. JPG 80% is good enough. –
Browser Cache: Page load times can be significantly improved by asking visitors to save and reuse the files included in your website. – /
CDN: The use of a CDN to serve your website files also it’s a good idea. Most of the Hosting Services have an easy way to enable CDN, for or sites we use A2Hosting ( ) and Cloudflare, the tutorial is available in this link:
We hope this helps!

Review Left On 09/04/2022
I believe that the following issue is because of the Revolution Slider plugin
“This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”.”
Any update about it?
Kind regards

Review Left On 09/21/2022
For the Portfolio-5 demo, is there a way to hide the title (Porto icon at the top bar) only on the first/landing page and show on the remaining pages?