Our little wedding book is a professional HTML5 template, it can be easily customized for both pre and post weddings. The template has a sweet vintage feel complete with subtle textures and vintage illustrations. The full-screen flower background is also included in the download. It’s very easy to change the colours via css and psds are included so that you can also change the colours of the included elements. Easily add pages and update your photos after your wedding! The template includes a slideshow, FancyBox gallery ($19 value), full screen background, countdown timer and a working contact form. Features Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Well documented code and css Valid Html5 Css3 Styling Css3... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
hi, great theme, i want to buy this but just want to ask one thing:
can i remove the flowers background and keep the brown design background which comes when the page loads? if this is possible, please tell me how and will buy the theme.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Nice!!! Is there an autoplay for this template? I don’t the user to click on right or left arrow to go to next page or previous page.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Thank you, I’m a web designer myself, but just making a quick site for my mothers wedding, would rather pay small change and save the hours of work.
Beauty of a design.
UCM Theme: White Label
Elegant Business - Responsive HTML Template
Awesome PSD Template - Onepage Portfolio & Blog
Drawer Mobile & Google AMP Template
Breeze — Responsive Magento Theme

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi , I would buy the template , but have a question, I have my site and want to work with Dreamweaver, I can change and ride through FTP .
It supports the page to see the cell

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi, i love ur work! : )
May i know how to add in dot navigation instead off left & right button ?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello. Thanks for making this template. Is there a way to get the timer at the end of the webbook to countdown in realtime?

Review Left On 06/10/2022
Bought template today and here it is http://milentijevic.com/weddingbook/ My wife is is very pleased Thank you Jo and please like it

Review Left On 07/04/2022
Hello, I have bought this wedding book and does not work the contact form.
I have read the PDF instructions but not working.
Please help me. Thanks for all

Review Left On 08/13/2022
I found your “Little Wedding Book – HTML5 Template” on ThemeForest.net and I’m thinking about repurposing it for an online novel I developed many years ago (http://www.thehway.com/WizardReborn/TheMediaNovel.aspx). However, I’d need to make the book element much taller. I see that you provide the original Photoshop files so it sounds like I could change all the artwork.
Just a few quick questions. Do you still support the theme? I see it hasn’t been updated in several years. Also, are there any “gotchas” that would create significant barriers to utilizing your theme as an actual novel? I have 15 chapters that include hundreds and hundreds of pages, but I’m also an experienced web developer so I’m hoping I can modify your theme for my needs.
I appreciate any advice you’re willing to provide!

Review Left On 09/11/2022
Before I can purchase this template… I need to know what are the basic language knowledge that I must know to work with this template…