Cooking Monster – Responsive Tumblr Theme Cooking Monster was created with love by adraft. It was originally designed especially for any kind of cooking maniacs, but it evolved and now it may be used for any other purposes. Features Responsive layout Based on a Skeleton framework Cross-browser compatibility Custom CSS Easy and rich customization Detailed and well organized documentation PSD files included Support for all post types Ask and Submit features Unlimited number of pages Tag cloud Up to 4 categories 2 Text widgets Google Analytics Flickr stream Search field Disqus comments About section Related posts Social sharing Promo sectio... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
awesome work, has a recipe tumblr, using
Sakura t. at the moment, thinking of buying yours and switching soon when I have the time. Great Work

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I really love this template! The best for cooking because of the search. I even use it for my own needs while cooking. Enter an ingredient and find a recipe for inspiration. Amazing. Feel free to check out:
I do seem to encounter a bug though. The titles don’t appear below the photo on the main page. they appear on the recipe page only. I’ll see about opening a ticket on your site.
another comment is that the font color and size don’t look amazing on the recipe page. it’s OK, but not perfect like the rest of the site. I’ll see if I can alter that.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi, very nice theme, but i have a problem. My blog and blog posts dont include into search enginees (like google).
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Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hello, I’m missing a point: is this theme tumblr-only ? can’t be used on a normal wordpress installation ? I like this theme very much, but I’m actually hosting on my own server

Review Left On 05/02/2022
This isn’t working for me. I opened the index.html file in the HTML folder using both DreamWeaver and TextEdit, and neither work when uploaded to Tumblr.
When I opened index.html in web browser, it displayed as broken as well.
Dreamweaver called attention to a syntax error on line 3505 “limit: {text:Limit of Tweets},”
Any ideas?

Review Left On 09/19/2022
Awesome theme man !
I will definitely buy it, but I want 5 options in “submit” form.
1. text
2. image
3. quote
4. video
5. link
WIll you tell me how to do it ?