Reside Mobile Template Thinking about how small screens on mobile devices are and where can you fit a menu in there? Think no further! We got you covered with a simple, beautiful, and small thumbnail sidebar navigation that will ease your browsing experience! Reside is a Mobile Template and is offering all mobile compatibility. Elite Author Elite Quality Item with 7 + years experience! Elite Quality Support with 24/7 responses to tickets! Elite Quality Support with the best documentations on the market! Main Features Mobile Ready PhoneGap \u0026amp; Cordova Compatible Icon Pack Included Crisp, Clear, and Beautiful Fonts by Google Fonts Slider \u0026amp; Image Galleries CSS3 / PHP / Ajax Contact form with Validation Included P... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi There!,
Great theme! I am just playing around and I was wondering how you can get the iPhone Homescreen Icon to work? Thanks!

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Does the subscribe form or the Blog comment form work with working php scripts? Or some kinda script?

Review Left On 07/09/2022
i might buy this template, but first some quick questions.
1. Have you heard about Adobe PhoneGap, if so, do you think this template will work using Adobe PhoneGap?
2. How do i can about implementing videos hosted on my website (mp4-format) into the the template.
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Review Left On 07/16/2022
Hello, I’m new to this type of thing. But do I need any code experience to be able to use this template? Or can any person use it?