Features HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery 1230px responsive grid Both bright and dark themes included Retina display support Mobile first approach (optimizes bandwidth for smaller screens) CSS3 dropdown menu with mobile compatibility Many elements to choose from for the home page: RefineSlide with mobile swipes support Zoomable images with lightbox support Responsive video container Portfolio grid display Featured clients display Call-to-action box 3 portfolio variations containing: Fancybox2 Lightbox InfiniteScroll support Quicksand filtering Configurable grid display Unique pages: Journal, About, Testimonials, 404 Error Not Found Common elements: typography, grids, lists, tables, forms, buttons, tooltips, dropcaps, quotes, alerts,... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hi – would it be easy to make the drop down two column? I have a lot of stuff and it’s looking quite strange to have in one column … thanks.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi, thank you for your purchase – you should know you purchased a static HTML template which can be customized by editing the main .css file (you need HTML, CSS knowledge to customize it). The #logo section is placed in a .grid2 container, as you can easily see and edit in the style.css file.

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Good morning: we noticed that the template does not work well on touch screens with windows mobile or windows 8 and 10 with touch screen, you tell us how to solve this problem, we tried with the code (-ms-touch-action: none; ) in the CSS file, but we’re not sure where to locate it … and if it works or is a problem of the file (jquery.common.min.js), please help us.
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Nerve | Portfolio Theme for WordPress
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PI. - Portfolio PSD Template

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi , the filter of the portfolio don´t show´s , I already set the page Portfolio Template – Filters , but anyway don´t show on the page . can you help me ?
Also the logo of the site have some blue frame around, can I remove it , and set the logo full view 290×332 .
Thanks !