You may also like one of our latest templates! uAdmin uAdmin is a premium admin template built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework and comes with a flat design direction. It overwrites the default style of the framework to match its own and at the same time extends it to a large degree without being too complicated and losing its simplicity. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, theme’s components can be easily replicated without losing your focus on the development. It is a professional and flexible admin template/skin solution and can be used to build all kind of projects such as web applications or backend website solutions. We encourage you to have a good look at the live demo and discover all the features includ... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hi, I purshased the template and I have a question, how can I connect my database with the web page and how can I edit this data in the same webpage?
Best regars and congratulations for the template, it is perfect!

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi Pixelcave,
A while back ago, I purchased FlatAdmin! Well, what can I say? Just another great piece of work by you on Uadmin! Please keep up the great and hard work that you continually place into each and every one of your templates! You’ve turned me into a fan of your work!

Review Left On 04/13/2022
hi pixel i purchase uadmin 2 times mistakenly. thats y i lost $20 extra. will you return my extra $20
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Review Left On 04/15/2022
We’ve been using the uAdmin template for our project – it has been great for us so far! However, one issue: the data table with search capabilities that you have listed on the example page doesn’t seem to be working on my web page. After pasting the data table into our webpage, it looks very similar to the example. However, none of the searching or sorting seems to be working. I have included all the css/js files that come with the plugin, a long with the Javascript written on the bottom of that example page.
Any idea how I can solve this issue? I have e-mailed you (pixelcave) also, so I’d be happy with a response to either.
Thanks for your help!

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hi does your template support tasks for specific persons, and does it save chat history even recipient is offline? Also Can I install this on Joomla or Wordpress? Is it compatible with my phpscripts from StivaSoft (
Is it translatable too?

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hi Ridazh and thank you very much for your purchase!
I just replied to your email, don’t worry, you will just have to open a ticket at (Envato handles purchases) asking for a refund for the extra purchase

Review Left On 05/04/2022
I Liked your template & wishing to buy.
Your change-log shows “v2.1 (January 15, 2015)”
version 2.1 was released in 2015 & its 2017.
Do u have any plan for new update or any alternative of this template ?
Thanks for your nice work.

Review Left On 05/30/2022
pixlecave, I bought this and want to implement the user security, which you have sign-up,sign-in forms. I assume I need a back-end db to handle this and write the crud code. I don’t see any code that restricts parts of the site based on user security? Any advice on how hot to handle?
BTW – I’ve sent 2 requests to you through the ThemeForest contact owner form – guess you’re not getting them..

Review Left On 05/30/2022
where do i change the tittle “uAdmin – Professional, Responsive and Flat Admin Template”

Review Left On 06/07/2022
Hi Pixelcave, i already purchase uadmin. but there is issue about data table is not working, what should i do ? thank you

Review Left On 06/27/2022
Thanks for the great template! Been using it in one of my projects.
Question: Do you plan on adding multi-level dropdowns? That’d be a great feature I would love to see!!

Review Left On 07/21/2022
Hi pixelcave, nice admin theme. I’ve a pre-sales question. On the editable datatable, the demo seem to be base the data from a html table. Is there a mysql demo?

Review Left On 09/14/2022
hello hope you are fine
Kindly tell me about uadmin that that package contain the html files etc
can you send me the details on my email id?

Review Left On 09/18/2022
Hi. I have had this theme for over a year now and its absolutely awesome. Good work guys. I needed to know how I can set the navigation menu to be collapsed at all times. I do not want the sub list items to be hidden. Currently if an item on the navigation list menu has child items, the child items are initially hidden by default. They only appear after you have clicked on the parent item. I would like to have the child items shown at all times. Can you let me know where i can make the changes on the code.

Review Left On 09/19/2022
Hi Your Template looks awsome!
So I purshased it and fooloing arround a litte bit with the template and I have a question, how can I connect my database with the web page and how can I edit this data in the same webpage?