Madeeha vcard template is very clean and easy to customize template. This template give you what you are always waiting for. If you really like my template, please appreciate my template and give rating. Updates V 1.0 Update contact form script. Main Features Responsive Design Grid based Layout Layered PSD included All Major Browser Compaitible Valid Contact Form Easy to customize….\u0026amp; many more features New Vcard Template... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Doesn’t work on iPhone’s Safari (iOS 6, at least)... What I’ve found:
1) Tabs don’t work properly
2) Profile section doesn’t work properly
Any chance you’ll fix it or I’d have to modify it myself to be able to reach iPhones and iPads?
Thank you.

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I am having troubles getting the contact form to work properly. Please help me, thank you. You can find the test page here:

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi mate, this is a great template but their are a couple of issues. Firstly, under the “Profiles” tab, the “Education” and “Work experience” boxes are a bit hit and miss in terms of whether they want to appear or not.
The other is that you don’t appear to have included whatever php mail script you use for the contact form.
Other than that, an awesome looking theme!
Parfijure – Responsive OpenCart theme!
OREO - Creative Portfolio Responsive Retina HTML
Kids Planet - eCommerce & Blog PSD Template
Nimble - A Responsive Business Tumblr Theme
Photographica - Portfolio Tumblr Theme

Review Left On 04/12/2022
“For portfolio as you add more entries all that will come after the last.”
Can you please be more specific?
How will it be displayed? More rows of four on one page? Or is it eight max on the page and additional pages are added after eight?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
i am having trouble installing this theme. it says style.css is missing…which i am not able to find after unzipping either. please advise.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hello jayseventwo, thanks for showing interest in my template.
About the profile tab, everything is working fine for me.
For contact form, please contact my profile id or on this email id [email protected] for quick response.

Review Left On 05/17/2022
Hi on my phone motorolla moto g 2nd gen I get red background in portrait view.
In landscape view it works fine. Any thoughts?

Review Left On 05/18/2022
How can I add an extra page ???
any wordpress version soon ??
Thanks !!

Review Left On 05/26/2022
quick question, how do i remove the Social Icons without messing up the template spacing? also, is it possible to add custom icons outside of the included png?

Review Left On 07/03/2022
I read in the comments that a PHP file for a working contact form is missing, update the template with a working contact form, it may boost your sales.

Review Left On 07/10/2022
Hello, how i can add next button when i opening some image from portfolio?
I can open, seen image, then i must close modal window and click again on other image. Is there any solution?

Review Left On 09/01/2022
Great looking vCard. But I see that on Android 4 (Samsung Galaxy Nexus), the sliders for education and experience do not work in the default browser. Can you address this? (They do function in Chrome.)
Secondly, how does the portfolio handle more than eight entries? Multiple page numbers?
Thanks a lot. I look forward to giving it a try once I hear your answer.