A few words about «Diamond» Magento Theme «Diamond» is the Magento template, which is made in a clear \u0026amp; modern style. Keeping pace with the times we offer a truly high-quality solution. Combined with a thoughtful and carefully elaborated design, «Diamond» will leave no one to be indifferent. Using this theme you can not only increase conversions quality and number of positive reviews but also make a pretty good surprise to your customers. So, what you get? 100% Magento Community Edition 1.8.x compatible; Fully Responsive; Touchscreen ratina display support; Color customization; Product «Sale» badge for discounted products; Product «New» badge for new products; Custom tab on product page display any content on product page in t... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hello, I want to start a B2B store with a login requires. it is possible to remove the basket and prices, so that only authorized customers who have these function? + So I wish that when you look at a product / item, then you can attach a PDF or similar. for the product / item. Is it possible?
Kind Regards PK

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I followed the instruction and install theme(24 jewelry.ru), but the main page is not correct, what should I do to correct the mistake?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
I love this theme, very good design!
But I have a problem for this theme. The grouped product’s price won’t show on catalog list or grid!!! Price always be 0.00.
When I switch the theme to default magento theme, I can see the default grouped price of “starting at XXX”, help!
Nevada - Responsive HTML Template
Touch Me - Responsive Email Templates
HealthCare+ Medical & Health Joomla Theme
Lotus - Spa & Wellness HTML Responsive Template
FAIRYTALE - Fullscreen Concrete 5 Theme

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Is there any where we can have a look at the backend?
I’m wondering how customizable are the main banners and also if it is possible to login in with Facebook.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
We purchased the Diamond Responsive Magento theme and are not able to make the menu work with the third level drop down navigation. 3rd level is not showing. Please advise on how we can make it show. Our site is on:
We need to launch soon and highly appreciate your support as soon as possible!
Thank you!!

Review Left On 06/23/2022
The social media icons/links don’t show up on my website: www.cufflinkspalace.com
How can I enable them?

Review Left On 07/29/2022
We’ve published a great Magento menu extension for Magento Community. Mega Dropdown Menu , Left Mega Menu , Accordion and Responsive Menu for Magento… with Drag and Drop control in backend.. Please go to visit the website http://www.MenuCreatorPro.com for more features.
You can check the LIVE DEMO here: http://MenuCreatorPro.com/livedemo/
Drag and Drop in backend: http://menucreatorpro.com/livedemo/index.php/admin
Like and share with your friends our FACEBOOK page: http://www.facebook.com/MenuCreatorPro.
SPECIAL DISCOUNT: The Discount Code “menucreatorpro” with discount amount $10.
Let change the way you control the menus in Magento!

Review Left On 08/25/2022
Is there any opencart version available of this theme? I would like to buy this theme.
Sumit Sharma

Review Left On 09/18/2022
Dobryj den’!
Davno prismatrivajus’ k shablonu i uzhe sozrel dlja pokupki. No volnuet neskol’ko voprosov:
sejchas prikryli besplatnuju versiju magento, no na forumah udalos’ ejo najti. Postavil ver.
Naskol’ko mne izvestno rekomenduemaja versija dlja jetogo shablona(enterprise) stoit 750$
Budet li shablon rabotat’ korrektno na besplatnoj versii, pri uslovii togo, chto u menja net neobhodimosti stavit’ dopolnitel’nye moduli. Neobhodim tol’ko tot funkcional, chto est’ v shablone.
Est’ li sushhestvennye otlichija v rabote shablona na wordpress(skorost’, funkcional)? Hochetsja sdelat’ magazin na magento, no summa licenzii stavit pod somnenie vsju zadumku sozdania magazina. Do jetogo ne rabotal ni s odnim, ni s drugim dvizhkom.
Pozhalujsta podskazhite optimal’noe reshenie!