AWSM - One Page CV / Resume & Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme
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AWSM is a clean and simple one page WordPress theme perfect for creative people, freelancers and agencies, featuring both one page and standard layouts. AWSM feature list Quick switch between one-page and standard layout Responsive Layout 2 Custom Post Types: Career Custom Post Type With Timeline Display Portfolio Custom Post Type 10 Custom Page Templates: Blog Template 1 Blog Template 2 Blog Template 3 Blog Template 4 (Timeline Look) Career (About) Template Portfolio Template Contact Template Full Width Page Template Default Page Template Portfolio Features 3 Portfolio Content Types: Gallery Image Video 2×2 Portfolio Styles: 4 column rounded portfolio style 3 column squared portfolio style 4 column rounded portfolio... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Is it possible to hide ? :
- Social media
- the menu
- portfolio
- Services & skills
- blog
- map
Finally , I need only the timeline and contact . You can leave active only those two items ?

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi. Prepurchase questions… I am a current Meks customer using Herald for my personal site, but think AWSM would suit me better. Do you think switching would be fairly easy, with old content working well? Also, if I purchased AWSM, is it possible to add a custom social network icon? You have a really great and big list of social networks in settings, but unfortunately missing a couple smaller ones I’d prefer to feature. Would support be able to add the ability to add our own in the theme settings/social area? Thanks for your time.

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi, Could you tell me how to change this (Check out my work) and I’d like to make external URL link.
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Review Left On 04/15/2022
is Compatible With WooCommerce, when is latest update, ready to update Software Version WordPress 5.5 ?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hi, en prepurchase question: your carreersection is very usefull for a project I am working on. Question: do the black bullets in the timeline always show the year, or is it content manageble and can I Use it for another purpose? Thank you.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Helo Meks,
I’m trying to insert your demo content to my theme using standard importer since awsm was not worked. My question is how can I get the home page same as your demo. I have chosen the home page as in reading.

Review Left On 05/11/2022
Please open a support ticket via and we would be glad to have a closer look and help you out.

Review Left On 07/21/2022
Hi Meks,
It would be great if you could add the “ALL” portfolio filter to the translation menu with any new update that will come from now on. The theme can be fully translated except for that tag.
Well, you can translate it if you dig inside the html code, but it would be great if you could put things easier for those who don’t know any html and make it a perfect theme.

Review Left On 07/28/2022
Hi will you be updating anytime soon. Very interested, but lots of time has passed since your last update. Thanks

Review Left On 10/04/2022
I just bought the Theme. I have two questions so far:
1.) How do I upload the profile picture? I can’t find it under any setting.
2.) How do you create the skills section?