Core is the Minimalist Photography, Portfolio, Personal website Template built with latest Wordpress features. Custom Post Type and Image Uploader etc. Features 3 Homepage styles Full Screen slideshow for Photo Gallery Google Web Fonts Support Extensive galleries admin. Support multiple images upload 4 Portfolio styles 8 Custom Widgets Recent Posts Popular Posts Twitter feed Contact Form Youtube Video Vimeo Video Social Media icon Flickr photostream Styled typography and flexible page columns Built-in Many Shortcodes Style shortcodes ex. dropcap etc. Media shortcades ex. video, slideshow, image gallery etc. Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 columns Built-in Shortcode Generator plugin Custom Post Type support for Portfolios Wordpre... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
the theme was updated over a year ago..any plans for updating or is this now the “end of life” for this theme?

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi, Im having troubles with Header page titles, theyre huge, I tryed to change the screen.css but doesnt work, and the core font sizes and types are disabled…
My online website:
Any help? thanks,
Cesar Torres

Review Left On 04/13/2022
There is a problem in video portfolio on mobile… Youtube videos can not fit in screen…
Anthe :: Joomla
iPictures HTML Responsive Stock Image Website
Zeppelin - Vintage Style Tumblr Theme
Retro - Vintage WordPress Theme
Neighborhood - Responsive Multi-Purpose Shop Theme

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Why I installed core_sample_content.xml homepage image without reflection, the distance between the image and the menu is very small, different from the demo

Review Left On 04/27/2022
jQuery errors after 5.6 update.
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).uniform is not a function
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘msie’ of undefined
Can not update galleries and missing items on pages.
Do you have an update?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
I really love this theme, specifically the homepage presentation, perfect for my portfolio. Is the theme still supported? it seems it hasn’t been updated in a while. Thank you

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi, I deduce that the answer will be no or in the future, but can I somehow insert in the images of a gallery a link to an external page? For the number of requests I think it would be a great asset. Thanks.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
there seem to be some compatibility issues with php 7.4 – mostly related to curly brace syntax depreciation as far as I can tell. Any plans / timeline for fixing those?

Review Left On 06/14/2022
Hello ! I don’t know if anybody has had the same problem, but I can’t find any solution to this bug : the fullscreen gallery doesn’t work on my website, anybody has an idea? Thanks !

Review Left On 06/19/2022
Hello, I update wordpress today (5.9.2) and the home galery doesn’t work anymore. I try everyone and it keppes loading forever. Before the update was ok. Can you help me? Thanks a lot.

Review Left On 06/26/2022
1. The menu layout for mobile looks a bit, um, really bad. It looks like a mobile layout from 10 years ago.
2. The gallery flow has problems:
- missing reflections like it looks on the sample
- not centered like it looks on the sample

Review Left On 06/28/2022
Hello, How can I apply the sample as seen on the preview?
I imported the ‘core_sample_contents.xml’ however for example the “2 Column” page looks empty just the title.

Review Left On 07/12/2022
Hi, somethings is not working with your theme demo.
Please check “Home” and “Skins” selections. There’s potential in this theme but I need to see this options before purchase.

Review Left On 07/16/2022
Thank you for purchasing.
Could you please make sure you update to the latest version of theme please. You should be able to download the update from Your Accounts > Downloads.

Review Left On 08/06/2022
I am experiencing the following error – “Error thrown Call to undefined function split()” – can i get some help addressing it?

Review Left On 09/25/2022
The plugin you recommend for upgrading is more than a year old and has not been tested with the last three WP updates. Do you have an alternate method to upgrade? Thank you.