If you like our theme please do not forget to rate it! Spooky is a clean but still professional template suitable for any business or portfolio, and it’s created by using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. With a responsive design it is easily usable with any device (Desktop, tablet, mobile phone…), without removing any content! An elegant template for a design studio or agency. The theme has a gallery for featured work special, jquery paginated portfolio layout and blog, awesome hover effect, and contact work. The template offers a quick and easy setup. Spooky has the following features: Fully Responsive, looks great on your mobile or tablet! Built on HTML5 and CSS3 and based on Bootstrap Grid Smooth Pages Trans... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hello, very nice theme !
But I need to make the top menu fixed, can you help me ?

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Did It would be possible to use wordpress… Or is there another product with the same layout for WP?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I’m very interested by the theme. Just two doubts:
1) I want to link each service to a “fancy box” with more information about the service, can I do this? Also, I would like to know if it is possible to create a internal page if I want.
2) In the portfolio gallery, can I add external link to the sites I have developed (my site is in the field of web development).
The Kamarel
Chancë - Responsive WordPress Theme
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Review Left On 06/22/2022
Hello everyone!
We are extremely happy that we can present you a great product and provide excellent technical support for all of our customers.
If you have any pre-sales questions, please, post them here in the item comments so our team can answer them promptly.
If you have already made a purchase of Spooky – Responsive One Page HTML Template and have any questions or problems please do benefited from our Support Center. We’ll try to answer all of your questions as soon as possible
CoralixThemes Team

Review Left On 09/29/2022
flipping effect doesn’t work properly on my IE 10. It only flip the icon instead of showing the text. Firefox and Chrome are perfect.

Review Left On 10/02/2022
i ma very intersted in the theme but i have only one question … everytime th euser need to change page has to go back to the menu on top ? .. maybe a scrolling menu following the actual visiting page would be nice …