Notes: Any new improvements which you’ll like to see in next build are welcome, please let us know what you want to be added. Features: Responsive design, supporting most of mobile devices Font Awesome Integrated charts (using jQuery flot, sparklines and JustGage) Dynamic tables (using Tablesorter) Growl style notifications (using jGrowl) Datepicker and Colorpicker for bootstrap Calendar (using Fullcalendar) Form wizard (using formToWizard) Validated HTML5 Extended accordion Sliders, Toggler WYSIWYG editor (using WYSIHTML5) Form validation (using parsley.js) Changelog: v. 1.3 (04.12.2013) - Fixed bug with validation in formWizard - Timeline added v. 1.2 (05.08.2013) - Added \"white-space: nowrap\" to TitleLine heading - theka... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi! I am planning on purchasing this template but there is an issue when uinsg IE8. The image next to the title and Title text on the left hand side of each page are not shadowed, rather dark. For example, the Dashboard title text is dark and on the left of the text, the dash image is dark as well. I am using IE8 version 8.0.7601.17514.
thank you!

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Awesome design!
Just a question why did you use jQuery to apply box-shadow to the “masterActions li” on hover, CSS3 do it too ?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hi !
First, nice work ! is a great theme !
My problem is with the “Normal-Select Box”. When I use in the site and put , this works perfectly.
But to edit user, I add that they load this form using ajax, and show form in a modal dialog. When the ajax returns html code, put the javascript code, and esthetically works, but the select is broken, if you choose any option, doesn´t happend…
Do can you understandme ?
Chancë - Responsive WordPress Theme
NewHosting - Responsive Hosting Css3/Html5 Theme
Felius - Responsive Multipurpose Template
Diamond — Responsive OpenCart Theme
Spooky - Responsive One Page HTML Template

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Is the timeline page the only difference in 1.3? Can I then drop in 1.3 in-place of 1.2 without issue?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
This is a very exciting theme! It is very clean, elegant, and yet full of functionality. For additional features, I’d like to request the following:
- improved charting with explicit inclusion of a graph that mimics the “Project Contribution” graph at!/dashboard
- include google maps and
- add typography page
- support lists with icons, etc.
Just a few ideas. Might come up with some more.

Review Left On 04/21/2022
hi dude!
i got some trouble with fonts css(font awesome)
Don’t works on the last version of Firefox .
im working with zend framework and i put this files on directory fonts inside public_html.
i tought it would work but they dont.
actually works on chrome, but i need fix this on firefox.
Can you help me?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Hello Admin,
I am facing a problem after adding some checkboxes dynamically through but guess what after adding the dynamic checkboxes on the ui the funct of checking/unchecking is just got break and i am not able to perform any operation with it.
After removing the css called css-checkbox from checkboxes everything is working fine.
checkboxes id’s are also different and I have binded the dynamic checkbox list from knockout.
Kindly reply me asap on it…
Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi !
I would like to know if you intend to make a bootstrap 3 version ?
Thanx !

Review Left On 05/07/2022
any plans to migrate to Bootstrap 3 in the near future? I’m using this in MVC 5 and that requires Bootstrap 3
Thank you for the quick response.
PS: Great design by the way !

Review Left On 07/04/2022
Hi dude!
I need know about retrieve data form, for tags “bootstrap-tags”. It’s the widget quick message, i don’t know retrieve the tags.
thanks a lot ^^

Review Left On 07/07/2022
Aaaah, I’m so sorry for that, seems like webhosting get in some troubles. I think it’s okay now. You can check it.

Review Left On 07/31/2022
How I can set the date forman in members table? for order, with format ‘dd/mm/yyyy’