FitPlain – Bootstrap parallax One page Template is suitable for Creative Portfolio, app landing page, studio agencies, corporate companies. Built usign Bootstrap frame work. The bottom Up Down arrow is used to scroll between the section easily. Having nice Paralaxx effect. Support Font Awesome. Availiable dark and Light look, It’s very easy to change the template color by just editing a single color.css file. It responsive so it looks great in Desktop, Tablet and Mobile device. All files are valide HTML5. Complete Help document is available. All PSD file with iphone and imac mock up file is included. Features: Responsive design Retina Redy, pixel perfect view in retina device like ipad and iphone Font Awesome Nice Paralaxx Effec... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/27/2022
How to make the right scrollbar appear bydefault, currently it’s appearing on only hover, and also how m supposed to change the color of that scrollbar

Review Left On 05/01/2022
In custom.min.js file near google map code, just change the value in google.maps.LatLng(34.05223, -118.24368) that’s all

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi, very nice theme! I would only ask you how can I change the grayed contact map to the standard coloured “map” of Google Maps. Thanx!
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Review Left On 05/10/2022
Theme looks great. But in the product portfolio, at the pop up screen when i scroll it keeps on scrolling. I will buy it if that is fixed.

Review Left On 05/27/2022
Theme looks great, but is it easy to change the google maps location? I’ve had problems in the past.

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Can dropdown menu be made easily from links??
It would be great to be able to cycle through Mobile Screenshots like Monitor.
I suppose it would be easy replicate the Monitor code and swap it for Mobile Screens and Phone background.
Really great theme.