CURTAIN is a creative vCard template, easily customizable with many combinations, including 3 gallery types. The template comes with 2 samples to help you out in the customization process. The jQuery library for js management and HTML5/CSS3 transitions makes this template cross-platform. Due to its fixed horizontal size you can get the same user experience on all the devices, check it out! UPDATE LOG: V.1.2 available for download. Check FAQS for more info. MAIN FEATURES * Clean minimal design * You decide the number of sections! * About us module with scrolling and small gallery * Video Reel on Lightbox * Horizontal gallery with video capabilities * Grid gallery + Lightbox [filterable] * Slider gallery * Client gallery [filtera... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi. Yes, it’s possible. It runs with PrettyPohot plugin, you can open vimeo, youtube, quicktime or flv (with independent flash player) video. Also any kind of html content.
Just note this is not a wordpress theme, but a html template!

Review Left On 07/26/2022
Hello, i’m very interested in this design, but before buying it I’d like to clear up a doubt:
In the “works” section of the preview, once you clic over any of the pics, can I put (in the extensible table that appears) not a big image but a little info text + a soundcloud/youtube/bandcamp/whateversimilar embed?. I want to put some projects (embeds related to audio + info), not just a gallery, is it possible? or is it meant to just show pictures?.
Thanks in advance,

Review Left On 09/17/2022
Before I purchase the theme, is it possible in the Works gallery to have the portfolio squares open out into HD video from Vimeo?
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