Sytic - One Page Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 Template
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Sytic focus on One-Page Responsive Multipurpose Template that can use all kind of Business sites. Sytic is the Aristocratic theme for corporate business. It’s a design that helps you to connect modern world customers. This theme achieves you to your target customers and bestow them an amazing user experience. The design can attach the people for improving your brand. Simplicity and Colorful web makes you a classy business to Intimate relation to your customers. You’re also dig up Responsive slider and responsive design that can be world class enormous experience for your current visitors and future customers. If you like my theme please do not forget to rate it! » Key Features: Clean \u0026amp; Modern Design 960... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
My client bought your theme and i am working on it on his behalf. He sent me his user name and purchase code that i used to register to your forum.
i got the message: “A password will be e-mailed to you.” but password never came. Can you help me?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
The portfolio filterable grid had four columns. Which stylesheet do I need to edit to change it to five columns (20% width)?

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hi, just bought this, but there’s some problems with layout, please check this screenshot:
See over the ABOUT SYTIC section, there’s some layout problems.
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Review Left On 04/19/2022
Very nice theme! There is a bug with the Google Maps custom location marker that causes the marker to move based on window size. If you go to the live preview, open the window, scroll down to the map, then go full-screen or change the window size, the location marker will move around the map. FWIW I was not able to get it to work and in the end ended up just using a Google Maps marker, so it’s not a big deal. (I’m also not very good with JS.)

Review Left On 06/21/2022
“This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.” there is a bug in the files. When you go to publish this live on a server, you get this error. It seems to be based on needing a Google Map API. How do we resolve this?

Review Left On 07/21/2022
When executing sytic_package\BS3 Version\Layout-2 New\header2 My navigation, when in mobile screen layout seems to be temperamental. Sometimes the text links are white(invisible) and when you click a link the menu stays open which can only be closed with a click.
I wondered if it was just a local issue so I uploaded it to my server and it still has these problems.
Another thing I noticed is in developer tools in chrome it says that header2/js/jquery.loadie.min.js is missing. Is this file needed?
I have emailed this issue to support

Review Left On 08/27/2022
Hello, I recently purchased this really nice theme.. however i have a question.
Can the portfolio gallery Thumbnail be altered to immediately open external url? Instead of displaying the detail page such as work.html.
Basically, I am just wanting the Thumbnails to serve as links to external pages or sites without having to reveal a detail page where the user has to wait and click the Website Link from the detail page?
Please advise…
and thanks for a great template.

Review Left On 09/01/2022
my site is running by another theme of wordpress, is that possible to insert this landing page in my site by html or something?
Does this Landing page responsive?

Review Left On 09/11/2022
hello sir,
i have buy your theme. your theme is awesome but,
i am very confusing for slider speed
can i manage this speed
plz tell me the control of carousel slide in landing page.