Creative Design Adobe Muse Template Creative Design – Creative Agency is a modern and clean one page Adobe Muse template designed for Agency and Creative Studios. To edit this template is very easy! You can change colors, texts or replace the images in a few minutes. There a too color designs inside. Main Features: Desktop, Tablet, Mobile VersionMuse file and HTML2 Layout Colors (Blue and Red) Parallax Scroll Motion Effect Portfolio Widgets LightboxContact FormTypkit WebfontsEasy to EditableDrag and drop your contentImages not included only for preview (Link inside download file) Support If you have questions or need help please contact us via Email.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Although it is not there, how do I add a background image where the Binocular lady was? And the same scroll effect?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Rather than clog the comment section here I sent an email a few days ago in regards to the same question Sunfire had. Have yet to receive a reply so thought I would post here.
I’m sure it is in some obvious place but being new to Muse I don’t know my way around it yet. Where is the background area that the bino image goes into with that scroll effect. I feel I’ve right clicked on just about everything looking for a replace background image etc and cant find it. Thanks to anyone that can help me figure this out

Review Left On 08/20/2022
in chrome, when viewed through a PC, it shows the tablet version. there is no such problem when viewed through firefox. Can you help?
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