Dedicated to medical and health care institutions, clinics and hospitals, doctors and everyone else involved in health services, Medicenter is the most popular and #1 selling medical PSD Template. For the effortless crafting of feature-rich medical industry websites. From dentistry and psychiatric practices to veterinarians, Medicenter has you covered. Medicenter can enhance: clinic and hospital, medical institution, health care professional, doctor, dentist, beauty and wellness related web pages. Latest Version: 19.02.2019 – v2.0. Check the changelog Features List of Medicenter – Health Medical Clinic PSD Template Top #1 Selling Health and Medical PSD Template on Envato Market Organized, Layered, Editable PSD Files withou... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi there, I purchased this PSD and purchased Wordpress version few days later. As I do not need PSD anymore, can I get a refund on PSD template?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Good theme, thanks a lot. But I have a question about big slider, I tried to put a- link tag to slider images, between of -li and img tags as:
li-a href=”#”-img src=”” /-/a-li
it worked on ie9 but didn’t worked on Chrome and FF, can you help me?

Review Left On 05/21/2022
Very nice design.
Just want to give a little feedback. I can see that the font mode you used is set on “none”. I would set that on “sharp” if I were you. It will give the presentation an extra point.
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