Template feature Template Builder by StampReady 6 color scheme (Blue, Cyan, Green, Purple, Pink, Red). Commented HTML. Flexible table structure (delete/copy/replace). Responsive for your mobile device Advanced lossy compression reduce png,jpg file size more than 70% Compatible with awesome WordPress plunin Mailster 14 Repeatable modules Package included Campaign Monitor and Mail Chimp files – include Campaign Monitor tag : singleline, multiline, editable, repeater, layout. – include MailChimp tag: mc:edit, mc:repeatable, mc:hideable mc:variant. Regular html – (None MailChimp or Campaign Monitor TAG) include 9 layout style and 1 mix layout. Photoshop file – psd file all layers are names and well organize w... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi, I am not quite sure how to use the MyMail folder from your plugin, as MyMail expects a .zip file for template import.
Which folder should I zip and upload? Thanks for help!

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I liked this template and have purchased it. But being a newbie to this, I am unable to figure out the installation.
Is there any sort of guide on how to install? I use Mailchimp.
Are we supposed to install the entire zip file, or just the html for the layout and colour preferred?
I am also not able to figure out how to make any changes – like text, font size, moving boxes etc. Does one have to know how to edit the code, or is there a WYSIWYG mode?

Review Left On 07/07/2022
This doesn’t seem to work on all browsers/email clients. In particular the 3/3 table seems to drop down on some.
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