Sitebar Mobile Template As the name goes, it’s a site bar, a sidebar that is activated by swipe gestures and has the ability to use multiple solid color backgrounds and also background images. Sitebar is a template like no other, in the sense that the sidebar can harvest your product as an image and gives you the ability to use different product backgrounds for each page. Sitebar is a Mobile Template and a Tablet Template offering all mobile compatibility. Elite Author Elite Quality Item with 7 + years experience! Elite Quality Support with 24/7 responses to tickets! Elite Quality Support with the best documentations on the market! Main Features Mobile Ready PhoneGap \u0026amp; Cordova Compatible Icon Pack Included Cris... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Sitebar vs slideby (mobile templates) differ in nav bar appear from left? or not differ in this matter, but differ in other things?
please answer since i want buy now and i can not decide between the two?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
I have been trying to view the live preview of all your products and I have not been able to see any of your work live. I placed something in my favorite collection that you created so that I can purchase it at a later date, which I was going to purchase yesterday, but I was unable to view it. There is a couple of items that I would like to purchase but unable to view them. Just so you know I have tried to view everything by you and have been unsuccessful.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
is it possible to load index.html with open side-menu?
what does the trick? cant find it
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Review Left On 05/01/2022
hey Enabled ciao!
Probably I have misunderstood the whole thing, but I’m already in love with your product
Said that, I’m running Time Lapse Italia on a theGossip Wordpress theme instance, which I love but.. it lacks from the mobile menu approach.
Would it be possible to purchase your item.. not sure if it can be taken as a plugin only?.. so that I can get THAT GREAT MENU but keeping my site?
I believe that is quite impossible, but.. think about it guys, if it ain’t like that: make it a mobile/tablet only menu… you’d sell it amazingly!
Ciao and thanks 4 your time

Review Left On 05/03/2022
at last, i have finish my mobile site, There are some things I think you need to fix in your template, the most important is to make collapse menu items, toggles and dropdowns when you click an other, that problem is in many of your templates, an other important is widescreen portfolio not possible to link from simple image menu section, These problems with not collapse issues makes the navigation large and not intuitive, the the rest of the template is JUST GREAT, clean and very useful. Hope you find the motivation to fix that issues and I´m sure the sales are going up and up. Thanks for your support.

Review Left On 06/07/2022
hello is it possible to embedin xcode as a webview for upload to applstoreas anative app( with other native elements in the app such tabs and navigation controls..)

Review Left On 07/05/2022
I love the theme, but I am not sure if I understand it correctly:
It is a theme for mobile only.
1. So is there a switching plugin provided to use another theme when on desktop?
2. What happens with the mobile theme shortcodes I use if I am on another (desktop) theme? Are they ignored? Can I write specific content for desktop and for mobile theme?
3. Do you have other themes that are suited for desktop and mobile?
4. Can I easily replace the colors and background with my ci colors?
Thank you very much

Review Left On 07/06/2022
I’m trying to create radio buttons in one of the forms I’m building. However, the problem is the framework radio buttons are , which doesn’t get posted after the form is submitted. Can I use the radio buttons that the framework already created?
Thanks in advance

Review Left On 07/31/2022
Hi, In the main menu, If you click a tab a sub menu opens but does not close others and this make not to large the navigation, the same in galleries Wide.html and other issues, I rated 5 stars because this is a very usefull template, except by this problem. Wating for a tip.