We are happy to announce that Lania Joomla Template is released Lania Template is a multipurpose website which you can use it for many different purposes; Blog, Events, Company Site, Personal site, Organization site. Lania Template is Responsive Joomla Template using Bootrap. Lania Template is also compatible with most popular browsers such as; IE 9, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and the browsers that support HTML5 and CSS 3 well. The appearance will make your site become more impressive by useful functions that it owns Features... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/29/2022
When you create sub categories and choose menu item type Portfolio/ category blog, you have to config to display article of sub categories.
Config: Components/ TZ Portfolio / Options in tab”Category” you will see “Subcategory levels” and choose value “All”.
Category image: Please config hide category image if your category has not image. TZ Portfolio options/ category/ show image.
Sorry Video problem, Please add this css code in template options/ theme/ custom css code.
.tz_portfolio_video .video-wrap{
padding-top:0 !important;
Lania doesn’t support K2. Please follow us, we are going to help you on TZ Portfolio. Our technical team has sent you an email but we don’t heard from you. Let check it.
Thanks & Regard,

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I have been retained to clean up a site using the Lania template. I use T3 and so does your template but in your implementation I can’t find the buttons to customize the T3 Template or the megamenu.
Can you help me find these normal features of T3?

Review Left On 06/06/2022
Hi there. The template wont update to the newest t3 framework. I updated to 3.4.1 , is this template comparable? If not, c an you make it compatible?
Shift - Creative Muse Template for Portfolios & Agencies
Basata - Retina Responsive WordPress Blog Theme
UMO Folio - A One Page Portfolio Theme For Tumblr
You and Me - Wedding Muse Template
Machli - Simple Plain Creative Bootstrap Template

Review Left On 06/15/2022
I haven’t heard from you on your forum so i thought id post here i guess, this website is for a client, please refund me if you don ‘t want to help me, i will purchase a k2 template instead:
i created sub categories, but don’t understand the rest.
I told home page in the menu to do Portfolio/category blog
this is what it shows:
Also showing this since i made new categories and signed a couple of posts to them
prntscr.com/2ylxkq ????
Your plugin is extremely confusing to me, can you please set this up the way i want it so i don’t have to sit here and mess with this for hours. Or explain in super great detail with pictures so i can follow step by step without missing a beat.”
I thought i was buying a k2 template here and this just set me back with hours and hours of more work to try and figure this stuff out.
I will have the top menu like this
HOME – PRODUCTS – BEAUTY (blog category) – Neutrition(blog category)
HOME will show all 3 blogs mixed together
ALSO: Media Type “Video” blank space
why all the blank space when this option is selected? this needs to be fixed, shows in your demo like this and quickstart:
picture: prntscr.com/2ylyii

Review Left On 07/29/2022
Contact form doesn’t seem to work:
Could you contact me on this mail about it?
[email protected]

Review Left On 09/10/2022
can you please refund me! I can’t use your extension, i thought it was k2 and when i loaded k2 to finish this site real quick this is what k2 looks like in your template
screenshot: http://prntscr.com/2z3b44
it’s completely broken.