DK is the Premium Photography, Portfolio, Personal website Template built with latest Wordpress features. Custom Post Type, Unlimited Colors and Image Uploader etc. Features 4 Homepage Styles Full Screen slideshow for Photo Gallery 10 Page Templates 6 Gallery Page Templates Password Protected Gallery Support Extensive galleries admin. Support multiple images upload Password protected gallery support Portfolio content support videos, images or external link Social media Profiles Support 7 Custom Widgets Recent Posts Popular Posts Twitter feed Contact Form Youtube Video Vimeo Video Flickr photostream Styled typography and flexible page columns Built-in Many Shortcodes Style shortcodes ex. dropcap etc. Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4, 5,... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I just updated the website after a few years of not having updated it.
By update I mean, updated all plugins, the theme, and also content.
Here’s the thing, none of my content updates are visible, it’s still rendering as it was before.
For instance, I just changed all the Homepage backgrounds, and it’s still showing as it wasn’t changed.
I also updated the photo gallery page, but it’s rendering as if it never changed, only on one browser am I able to see the changes made on the gallery page, and that’s on the Maxthon browser.
Also, it’s not a cache issue, because my client isn’t able to see the changes made either, and she’s visited the site from multiple computers at multiple locations.
And I just tried accessing the website from a proxy website and still…not able to see the changes.
Have you ever seen something like this before?

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I am close from buying your theme, I just have 3 questions :
1: On the homepage the part mentionned as
“Brooklyn Bridge
“This is sample of description text. You can change it via gallery admin”
Is it possible to have a link in this text ? I would like to talk about what’s in my pictures and put a link at the end of this small text.
H2 “Brooklyn Bridge”
Normal text “This is sample of description text. You can change it via gallery admin”
Normal text “More information on this link”
Is is also possible to edit the size/colors this text ?
2 : Is it possible to add text like in the exemple mentionned above but using a flip galery ?
3 : Is it possible to add text on pictures shown in galleries ?
If my questions are not really clear it’s pretty simple ;
I want to upload pictures, on this pictures I would like to add some texts (around 80-100 words) and add a link at the end of this text.
This pictures will be show both in the homepage as well as in 1 big gallery folder.
Looking forward to hear from you !

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi there,
I wrote to the support team 3 weeks ago and didn’t receive any answer! What’s happened?
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Review Left On 04/12/2022
Having issues seeing my Gallery images inside all my Gallery. Is there something that went wrong while updateing to WP 4.5.3? Also Preview seems to no longer work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I’m interesting to purchase this theme and I have a question.
Can I add a video as a background in the homepage instead of a slideshow?

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello, I am thinking about new website and I am interested in template. Old website is I was using Wordpress system. Is that theme compatible with wordpress? Thank you.

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi, Can you pls give me a hint of code changes to be made to add a side bar on home page. I actually need a contact form of 25% width and rest images with 75% width

Review Left On 05/31/2022
Dear friends, is it possible in the DK theme in gallery flip to get rid of the thumbnail on the right side at the bottom? Is there an easy option like “disable” ? Thanks a lot

Review Left On 07/05/2022
Hello ! I didn’t see that he wasn’t responsive. Is there anything you can make responsive? any plug in?

Review Left On 08/14/2022
I have just had to do a clean install of DK theme after losing my website, i still have some files from the old install (but in a separate location) i use to be able to upload photos directly to my galleries via FTP, but now there is no option/folder to do so in the current DK theme/ftp folders. How am i able to get these back there for easier upload?
I am also unable to get the youtube video to work on homepage. I had this problem also when i first installed theme (over 4yrs ago) and was able to fix this via a previous post in the support group, but i am unable to find this same answer in the new support group.

Review Left On 09/24/2022
I have prepurchase question. Is there possibility to create several galleries and to display the selection of galleries on one page, so visitor can pick a gallery they would like to see (also see the name of this gallery) and then with one click open the gallery and see all the photos inside there?