Total Ultimate Multipurpose WordPress Theme Total is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that combines the power of the WordPress Customizer and the WPBakery Page Builder (formerly known as Visual Composer) to allow you to create a website for virtually anything. The theme was created with many different niches and professions in mind – corporations, small business, online stores, lawyers, agencies, wedding planners, hosting companies, non-profits, bloggers and more. We’ve made sure to include enough features and settings so that you can create pretty much any site! Have a look at our growing list of demos so you can get a glimpse at what is possible with the Total premium WordPress theme. The Freelancer’s Dream Theme: If you are... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
just revisiting the theme and I’m wondering why I’m not seeing common widgets like tabs or accordion – I thought we used to have these as part of wp-bakery

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I am unable to get the reorder the STAFF grid? I have tried a reorder plugin for this, and while I can manually reorder the team members, this does not appear on the Staff webpage?

Review Left On 05/17/2022
Hey AJ,
Bit of a weird question for you… my customer wants to change their logo but it’s way too tall and I told them it will look bad on mobile so I suggested a compromise: use the tall logo on desktop, and the small logo on mobile.
What code would you suggest I use to replace the logo image on widths over/and under 1024px ?
For example:
Basically, I could set the logo image in the theme customizer using the small mobile size logo, and then insert custom css to replace that image for desktop widths.
What do you recommend to achieve this?
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Review Left On 08/28/2022
This is Aj the theme author.
In WordPress the default sorting for archives is by date, you can use a plugin to re-order them (I’ve tested this plugin and it works 100% with the theme – – I actually use the plugin myself to re-order items on the theme features landing page).
I’m not sure if you are referring to a staff archive (like categories) or the main staff page using a builder element, but if you are using a builder element you may need to edit it and change the default order so that it can work with your 3rd party plugin. Example: – most 3rd party sorting plugins make use of the WordPress “Menu Order” functionality, if that doesn’t work please let me know what plugin you are using so I can take a look – thanks!
Also if you don’t mind sharing the URL or letting me know how the staff page that would also be helpful
- AJ