Kanso is a clean premium one-page WordPress theme created by Satori Studio, inspired by the Japanese concept of reaching beauty through elimination and omission, arriving at thoughtful simplicity. Our goal was to develop a minimal, clean, and aesthetically pleasing, and at the same time stable, powerful, and highly flexible theme for use in agency websites, personal portfolios, photography or art showcases, as well as personal blogs and corporate websites. Kanso is a responsive and retina-ready theme, which means your website will be equally usable and good-looking on both large monitors, laptops, tablet devices, and smartphones, including those with high-definition screens. If ur looking for a good single page template, Kanso is the... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
How do we stop the theme from adding Google Analytics code? We are using Tag Manager to fire analytics code, and do not want the theme to add the analytics code.

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Upon a recent update, all of my portfolio items (under What We Do) changed a bit. It seems they are no longer being scaled to the size of the box so you cant read the titles any longer. Any ideas of how to fix this? https://www.tcgad.com/

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hi there,
Tried to register with your support site but it kept failing and I couldn’t complete it so contacting you here.
Very happy with the theme apart from one issue that we can’t resolve. We have one-page site setup with an image below the navigation that has parallax effect on it.
This looks fine until you scroll down the page, after which the image position moves up the page about 6cm creating a large white gap. It then stays there and no longer moves.
Could you help me with this?
Many thanks,
Novelty Drupal Theme
Marine PSD Template
Companion - Multi-purpose Muse Template
Business - Corporate Multipurpose Template
Kick-PSD Template

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hey Michal,
thank you for expressing interest in Kanso!
To answer your questions:
- yes, it is possible to have comments both for blog posts and portfolio projects, it can be enabled in the usual WordPress way (via Settings->Discussion or for each individual post/project).
- yes, you can tell an entire slide to become a link to another slide or a certain URL in the Revolution Slider.
Should you have additional questions about the theme, do not hesitate to contact me!
Andrii / Satori Studio

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello – I seem to have lost the ability to edit pages with this theme. I can loin into to the WP admin without issue, but when trying to edit/update any of the pages, they appear completely blank in both the text and visual mode editor. Please advise.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
When I click on a filter on the main portfolio category it does not show all the images that it should. Only the first four, any idea why?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
On the live preview page of kanso the “Link” items on the potfolio section show a little image on the bottom right with a link symbol.
When I create a portfolio item and set the post type to link this little thumbnail on the bottom right does not appear. Any clue as to why?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I.m having an issue with the menus, No matter what I do I cant delete an item for the menu. I’ve deleted it multiple times and re-added the menu and it always shows up. I also toe main menus showing up no matter how I configure it – very frustrating. Please help! Thanks.

Review Left On 05/08/2022
I seem to be having trouble using the multi-page. When I try to go to my website (mollymartirez.com), it directs me to a blank page. I have to manually click on the Home button to get to the page desired. Is there a way to fix this issue? Also, I can’t seem to add the google maps feature. I hope you can help me with this issue! Thanks.

Review Left On 05/11/2022
Is there a way to put the same social icons from the header also on the footer on the same line as the Copyright text? (floating right).

Review Left On 05/27/2022
Hi, I’m interested in buying your template. To be honest I don’t have much any coding skills. Will this be easy to manage and setup? I pretty much want it to look like the one you’ve setup for http://satoristudio.net/themedemo/?theme=kanso . Is the non coding skills a problem?

Review Left On 06/03/2022
Hello, I bought Kanso a while ago and been using it since then. Recently I’ve been trying to add a third-level submenu but for some reason it won’t appear. I have a multi-page site. Second level will appear but not third level. Is there something I have to enable to make it work? Thanks for your time!

Review Left On 07/06/2022
Can you tell me how to undo the auto underlining and capitalizing of text throughout the site? It seems to do it everywhere… Navigation, Page Titles, Footer titles, Sidebar Titles. Thanks!

Review Left On 07/17/2022
Hi, I have two quick questions about the multi-page layout. I would like to set the homepage so it shows the recent blog entries, can I hide the header photo and also have a right sidebar? Also can I have a right sidebar for each individual blog post? Thanks!

Review Left On 07/27/2022
Hi. I would like to buy KANSO theme, but first I want to ask if there is possibility to enable comments in blog section. The second quesition is about Revolution Slider. Could it be whole as a link or only a button on it?
Please give me an answer,
Best regards,

Review Left On 08/22/2022
Sorry if this question has been asked and answered but I can’t find an answer. I want to change the color of the active page box on the menu from black to a softer gray. How do I do that? I saw the menu option to change the hover box, but not the active page box.

Review Left On 09/30/2022
Hello and congratulations on the theme. I love it.
Just a question: How can I add another “Custom social network” in the “Header Social Icons” section?