Ubergrid is a grid-based, responsive, retina ready, post-format supporting, minimalistic WordPress theme suitable for any kind of creative, personal or business use. It comes with a Theme Manager, Page builder, Front Page Manager, Infinite Scroll and many other options. Importing the demo content with one click gets you going with Ubergrid in no time! Enjoy! What People Say About Ubergrid: THEME FEATURES: HTML 5 Clean and Modern Minimalistic Design Responsive Layout One click site builder Page Builder: Forms, Accordion, Text Boxes, Map, Image Box… Retina Ready: Looks beautiful on smarthpones and tablets Front Page Manager feature included Infinite Scroll Post formats Support: Standard, Video, Audio, Link, Gallery Ajax Fo... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi it seems that in previous versions : Home page grid was able to be left centered whereas all articles and pages were centered. But now it is not possible anymore ? Got the problem that the homepage grid is never really full-width …

Review Left On 04/08/2022
I just noticed that a whole folder is missing in ubergrid theme on this location
ubergrid->pukka-> modules -> dynamic-meta
this dynamic-meta folder does not exist in the latest download zip folder and also that the page builder seems to be not working due to showing about 50 + errors in console.
Kindly check this out and probably release a new update so I can download it.

Review Left On 04/09/2022
yes, there is an option to show Related posts below each post on single post page. Note that posts are considered related if they have same tags.
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Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hello. Page Builder don´t run. It looks a list whith the options but I can´t select page builder for todo a page.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
hello, presale… love this theme… and its possible to show related post on every blogpost article withput a plugin?

Review Left On 04/30/2022
After using UberGrid for over one year now, I finally came to the point that I would like to use subscriptions on my blog. So after installing WooCommerce, the theme is breaking and several other ‘pop-ups’ and right sidebar isn’t appearing anymore.
This is kind of a pity as this theme had been amazing and worked out perfectly finding blogposts and delivering content. So now it isn’t..

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Dear Pukka staff… I’ve been using your Ubergrid theme since 6-7 years ago. I’m so happy with it. But re-taking a concerne I had with Google Fonts, let me check if there’s any way to not go to Google Fonts to get Oswald Font.
In Theme Settings, Typography, I can see ‘Custom Fonts’ box. I put there this code:
In that Oswald.css file I’ve, for example:
/* latin */
@font-face {
font-family: ‘Oswald’;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 300;
src: url(https://www.manologarciaycia.com/wp-content/themes/ubergrid-child/fonts/oswald-light-webfont.woff) format(‘woff2’);
unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
If I unSelect any Title Font and also not Text Font up in Theme Settings, Tipography options, I can see in page load that now it doesn’t go to Google Fonts, but the theme is not using Oswald Custom Font I’ve defined…
Do you know how to use your theme option ‘custom fonts’?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I bought Ubergrid theme in 2014 and since then I’m still using it and I’m so happy with it… thanks!
Just a comment… I’m trying to put as Home Page another than the default ‘grid’ one. I’m able and it works… But I would like to use default grid as another page, I’ve selected the Homepage template for the selected page, and I’m able to see the first 10 blog posts… is not the infite scroll of the default grid home page. And also, rigth menu / colum is overlaped by the posts, and it’s drawn down the first blog post box…
Only to know if what I would like is possible or not. Thnx!

Review Left On 05/15/2022
BTW my Pukka friends, in my mobile I cannot see the Menu image the little one in the top left corner that opens the menu in responsive site. ?¿ It’s no shown… it’s everything in black around the responsive logo… but if you click near the suposed position you are able to open the menu…
It seems that goes to “wp-content/themes/ubergrid-child/images/responsive-menu.png” and the image is not there… I have it in “wp-content/themes/ubergrid/images/responsive-menu.png” so it’s something about child themes…

Review Left On 05/27/2022
Hello again, does the ubergrid 1.3.9 has “instagram share” directly from theme settings ? Or do you recommend another plugin ? Thanks !

Review Left On 06/13/2022
Hi guys, I’m running UberGrid since many years ago, and I’m very happy but I found a warning in home page, after upgrading PHP from 5.6 to 7.3 in my hosting ….
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /homepages/28/d498797351/htdocs/manologarciaycia/wp-content/themes/ubergrid/pukka/modules/grid-layout/include/functions.php on line 329
¿? thanks!

Review Left On 06/17/2022
I´m using an old version because the new version don´t run. Page Builder don´t run in the new version.

Review Left On 08/20/2022
am interested in this theme….but….since weeks and months the demopage is not accessable (Error establishing a database connection) ...like all (or most) of your other products.. and your website…. and last update over a year ago….
a) are you still in business? if not…maybe better remove those products or declare them as not to buy)
b) are they still working with the newest versions of wordpress
please clarify the situaiton honestly.

Review Left On 09/06/2022
Hi. Your demosite has been offline for 12 hours now (Error establishing a database connection). I would like to check the demo.