If you like our themes, please don’t forget to rate it. This helps us a lot Template ID : PRS040092 Chocolate Store Prestashop Theme is designed for Chocolate, Coffee, food and drinks stores. Chocolate Store Prestashop Theme is looking great with it’s color combination. All sub pages are customized. It is very nice with its clean and professional look. Compatibility Prestashop Version,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, General Features Cloud Zoom to enlarge product images. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly Optimized for Fast Loading Compatible with all major browsers (IE 9+ , Firefox, Op... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
It really looks great for a project i am going to start. But as PS 1.6 will be available on monday, i wonder if this template has been tested with the last RC of Prestashop, will it be compatible with that version?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
I bought another theme from them CoffeeShop but it is no longer available. This is bad service! They also do not keep to their promises. They promised to get back to me in half an hour but in more than 5 days they have not replied to the support ticket.
Have tried seeking refund for this theme but both Envato and this author have been quiet! This is horrible!
This is my ticket: QIT-454-51209

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Very nice work my friend!!!! Excellent theme!!!! I wish you happy holidays and the best for the new year!!!
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Review Left On 05/30/2022
I just recently purchased This layout and from the preview it’s awesome, however I thought this was a wordpress template, how can i get a refund or stylesheet or another template of the same value.

Review Left On 06/02/2022
Really a good work!
Please tell me, if I buy this template, advanced search module also included or need to buy separately?

Review Left On 06/18/2022
I’ve updated my store to 1.6.11 from 1.5.2 and I see some problem with subcategories – In previous version was nice slider for subcategories thumbnails. Can you tell me why is gone and how to restore it please ?

Review Left On 06/25/2022
Hi, In the mobile site (accessing via the the bottom footer link) the guest checkout option is not showing, even it is activated from the backend. Can you please let me know how to get it working?
Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 06/28/2022
I just purchased this theme.
How can i make the featured products on the home page be in regular grid display?

Review Left On 07/03/2022
Hi, can this theme be used on the Prestashop cloud hosted version or only on the downloadable one?