FULLSCREEN – Photography Portfolio HTML5 with Shop
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This template is a responsive and retina-ready HTML5 website with grid system layout. Mobile Touch optimized. Wordpress Version here Joomla Version here Drupal Version here Features Valid HTML5 / CSS3 pages Ultra Responsive Retina-Ready Cross browser compatible – tested in IE 8,9,10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome and Opera. Well formatted and commented, so it should be easy to adapt and extend Multi-Page Website includes: Home with filterable LIQUID PORTFOLIO Filterable Masonry Portfolio Full screen Slideshow Slider Item Classic Shop Item - The shop does not have any functionality as this is not a CMS. Filterable About Blog (+separate Single Post page) Contact All Image Hovers and O... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
ok i downloaded the free version of the plugin but i dont know how to install it
whenever i extract it i see 2 folders
WWW and doc ..
should i install FTP WWW folder ?

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi, I’m trying to make radio and chkboxe on the contact side, but they do not, they are simply invisible? what happens?
// Henrik

Review Left On 04/20/2022
is that possible to use the card function in this version somehow? what database system do i need to install to my website to achieve that? now it works like that : http://anorganik.net/gdphoto
also i run a wordpress based site on my domain, so i have CMS : http://mastering.anorganik.net
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Folioum - Retina HTML5 Website Portfolio Template

Review Left On 04/21/2022
I’m using the paid web version of the site and getting near to completion but still having an issue – I’m trying to replace the logo with one that is usable within the context of my design but I cannot fathom from the support documentation where you update the code. In fact overall the documentation for the web version supplied is very thin – is there a more elaborate version available?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Great design, love it. Is there any way that the images could be lazy loaded. i have libraries which contain 200 images, so it would be nice to load the first 20 and then load the others in the background.
The other option, do you do paging?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
I am clueless. I’m a graphic designer and not a web designer. I downloaded this thinking it was images. How can I see the design? Is it compatible w/WordPress? Thanks.

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi there – I downloaded this a while ago and am just now getting round to building my site using it- but the contact form doesn’t work – where can I get the updated version please – thanks!!

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi for everyone.
Eu got this theme and I am trying to set a contact form. I receve the mails, but the phone number I dont receve.
What should I do ?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi weibergmedia!! I download the free version, but now Im looking to send users to a goal page once the contact form is sent.
I need it, because i need to mesure conversions. Do you know hoy can I do it???

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi I just see something : the fullscreen slideshow don’t work on a smartphone android with the default browser : you can not see menu…
Do you think you can fix it ? If you can I am sure that I will buy this excellent template. Good work…

Review Left On 05/27/2022
I was wondering if this theme allows for multiple filters to be applied same time, so for example if I wanted to view only images of German Cars and that are Red color , and 2 doors only it would filter to show only the correct images / records.

Review Left On 06/01/2022
I had the opportunity to download this theme in Dec and finally have the chance to evaluate it. It works great however when I serve it from a MS server the pix on the home page download but don’t display on mobile devices. It does work when served from my unix server but I need it to work with the MS server. Can you point me in the right direction?
Works great on desktop/Laptops but not on mobile devices (ref: index.html)
I can provide test links, if that helps.

Review Left On 07/06/2022
hi, i’ve created my website with this template, it completely works great out of contact form. I tried all but it never sends the Phone a visitor entered. Can you help me with the php codes?

Review Left On 07/17/2022
Great theme. When the template is viewed on an iPhone or tablet when using the Masonry page, the opacity of the images overlays black out the images due to there is no mouse to highlight them as it can be on a laptop or a desktop. Is there a way to turn of the opacity feature when the website is viewed on mobile devices?

Review Left On 08/10/2022
Very nice work! Thanks a lot.
I’m wondering where’re the “430+ retina ready icons included”??? I see about 20 and no Flickr… so where’s the rest?

Review Left On 08/23/2022
Awesome them.
You just need to know that
And i think we all appreciate to see a clear, indented and well commented code