Flato - Responsive Resume, Personal Portfolio Temp
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“Flato” is a Flat, Minimalist, Professional \u0026amp; Multipurpose v Card for placing your personal information, whether you are a designer, programmer or manager. This is one page resume template with the following features : Main Features 3 Fully responsive layouts Animated Image Grid background Full width background slidshow HTML5 + CSS3 Bootstrap v3.0.2 Filterable portfolio Pie chart skills Working PHP Contact Form Displays perfect in all major browsers Documentation... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
I’m looking for a html template like this. What software is recomendable for edition and customize your options, sections, text, etc? Thanks

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Admin, Can you please tell me how I can upload the background slider images? Please specify in which file you have put its related source code? Also, I am facing another problem is, in portfolio section when I upload my own images, its not showing when you open the website but if you click on it to see the image with zoom than only I can see it, Please help. Thanks

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Hi, is there a way to add video to a portfolio section? I have couple videos i want to showcase but i don’t see a way to add those. thnx
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Review Left On 04/21/2022
I’ve purchased your template while ago and I wanted to change thumbnails size on portfolio page also adjust text underneath examples as two lines are not fitting in. Would you kindly direct me how to do it please? I can’t seem to find slideshow.css file within the folder, is it externally connected to this template? thank you

Review Left On 04/29/2022
It is possible to replace the red circles with the date from EXPERIENCE and EDUCATION with circular images like in ABOUT? Thanks

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi just want to ask how to make the pictures under gallery smaller. It seems like even if I change the gallery settings, from thumbnail size to full size, the settings doesn’t save even after I update. Nothing happens to the pictures as well. Please message me if I’m missing something here. The pictures are too big

Review Left On 05/03/2022
On Index Page load it skips some high some images…. Please give me a accurate solution of this problem

Review Left On 05/04/2022
How can I add video to the portfolio section, such as You Tube etc so that it appears in the lightbox?

Review Left On 07/08/2022
Everything looks good until you the portfolio in mobile. The light box image that pops up distorts it. I’ve tried using image responsive and the height and width, however, it doesn’t resolve the problem. Do you know how I can resolve this issue? Thank you.

Review Left On 07/22/2022
hi there
I have one problem, I need to add a group of images in the portfolio section when the modal pops up. so instead of these images cycling through they should show only the grouped section.

Review Left On 08/29/2022
Meritorious theme…. Admin I’m facing a little problem that you can easily understand in Image Section I have linked my all images with their respective link tabs. But On Page Load it shows all Images that takes more time to load my first index page.
I just want to show first Link Tab Images rather than all. Only on click it shows respective tabs image. Please guide to me to solve this problem. Thanks

Review Left On 09/23/2022
Hello. Sent email to support on this question but I have not received any answer. In each section, we have option to change the colour of the title but we have only two colours: RED and WHITE. Where can we change to a colour that is other than these two options?

Review Left On 09/28/2022
Thanks a lot for that great template! love it a lot!
one thing, where do I set up the email and smtp server for the message box? Maybe I’m blind, but I can’t find it..
Thanks a lot for a short message, I also searched here but no luck.