WeRock - Ajax Music Radio Streaming & Event HTML Template
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WEROCK is multipurpose responsive HTML theme based on twitter Bootstrap 3, Suitable for musical bands, singers, and event managers. Features Responsive Layout 15 HTML Pages HTML5 Validated Mega Menu semantic Coding Playlist Enabled Audio Player 2 January 15 Updated to 2.0 (Major Update) - Added Ajax version -Fixed Audio Player for mobiles -Design Improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated to 1.2 -Jplayer Bug fixes -New Tweet Plugin Added -Contact Form ajax Validation Added --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 March, 2014 Updated to 1.1 -Bug Fixes -Added Better way for Playlist handling through HTM... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
I have purchased
“WeRock – Ajax Music Radio Streaming & Event HTML Template”.
I just can’t seem where I can change the color of the Pink Navigation line (on top of the page) and the Pink icon squares before titles like NEWS, VIDEOS., on the index page.
Thanks !!

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Thanks for this beautful theme. I have 2 questions.
1) How do I set up the player so it start playing when the page is loaded?
2) How do I get the backgroud images from the demo ?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
I bought your beautiful template few month ago.
I have a problem with a dropdown menu of this template.
The problem is, when i ‘am hover “ACTIVITES” the only one dropdown menu, sometimes the submenu disappear suddenly when i am between text “ACTIVITES” and the dropdown menu.
Do you have a solution ?
Best Regards.
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Review Left On 05/06/2022
congratulations for the beautiful theme!
I have a question about the gallery page.
When I load the pics dynamically with our webEdition CMS, the pics are displayed overlayed:
I have to click a filter button to display them as wanted.
Do you have an idea/solution?
Regards, Uwe

Review Left On 05/17/2022
You purchased html version not wordpress Please check this template for wordpress https://themeforest.net/item/rekord-ajaxify-music-events-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/23516416

Review Left On 06/13/2022
The Wordpress version of WeRock was last updated in July 2021 whereas the HTML version hasn’t been updated since 2015. Why is that?

Review Left On 06/14/2022
Saludo Soy Sebastian Compre Su Plantilla pero no me funsiona para wordpress Porfavor ayudarme