Overview Benz is a creative new template for Joomla! 2.5 introducing DNP SKITTER SLIDER – the best javascript based full width slider for Joomla! and featuring many awesome features. The template is really tested in major browsers, and comes with REAL Quickstart Installation Pack for Joomla! 2.5, various extensions and PSD Sources for various graphics used on the demo site. I am constantly updating all my templates so please redownload the latest version and check the changelog in the documentation. Key Features The Best Slider called Skitter Slider Module. You will love it! K2 Content Component Support with beatiful template overrides and customizations Sticky AJAX Search Module with a unique look and feel. Awesome Social Sharing an... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Just purchased – very nice theme.
Two quick (simple/stupid) questions: How do I change the page title of the homepage, and 2/3 of the way down on the homepage for the featured article, how do I change the ‘name’ that precedes the feature? (I’ve changed the featured article’s title to no avail).
Basically, I want to replace the two instances of “Welcome to Benz Template!” on the homepage.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Purchase this excellent product just today and I had a few problems, but Danny was very responsive and absolutely great to work with. Worked as advertised and all the content and themes worked flawlessly. Even when we did have a few small installation problems we got excellent customer service. It has been a pleasure so far for both the product and the amazing responsiveness, and obvious pride that Danny takes in his work and the customer experience. Absolutely great templates, happily gave it 5 stars.

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I meant to say do YOU do custom work for an extra fee? Please let me know.
Klif - Responsive Coming Soon Template
Mint - Flat & Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
Gemini - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template
Slowave - Multipurpose Responsive HTML5 Template
John Doe - Clean Wordpress Blog Theme

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Hi, I send you an E-Mail but you don´t reply. So I try it here.
I have problems with the DNP Skitter Module to change the “textbox” size, position and the opacity of the background (two horizontal boxes dark).

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi, after change my site to another server, the web appears all in white, can you help me or tell me how can fix it.
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/12/2022
Hi Danny
where can I disable the description showed under the menu?
(like an ALT /title)

Review Left On 05/24/2022
Great job dnp! Bought it today helping to increase numbers of sales. You job deserve it.
everything is installed and working fine, except the google map API code, i tried all variables reading google maps apicode and this forum and there was no way of making work like at your demo.
Can you please send me an example of what should i put in the html block and in the script dialog box at the map module?.
thanks in advance

Review Left On 06/16/2022
Hi there.
I have created my website in my wamp server.
I uploaded the site in my server and now it appears a blank screen.
The admin panel is ok but the frontend is just blank
Can we fix it??

Review Left On 07/25/2022
That’s not the way the 5-star ratings are supposed to work. You don’t get them by blackmailing your customers who have a problem with your product. It’s not misconduct to express my extreme dissatisfaction with your product, nor is it misconduct to quote the insulting emails you sent me. I have over 10 years as a webmaster and have spent thousands of dollars at Envato. All I wanted to do was change the theme color like your site promises you can do, but no matter which theme color I choose, it just stays blue. Also I was disappointed that the template doesn’t look like what you have presented on the site, so basically there is no sample content for a user to work with. All you need to do is watermark those images and it would be useful for a future customer. As it is, you give them an empty template and no instructions as to how to make your site look anything like what you provided in the preview. So no, I’m not going to give you 5 stars. If Envato wants to lose me as a customer, there are plenty of other places I can go, but I seriously doubt they are going to suspend my account because I gave honest feedback on a product that is sub-par in my opinion. I AM sorry that I got so angry with you, but I wasted my whole day on this template. I wish you all the best on your other products, but this one needs some work. Sure, you’re not required to provide support, but I can guarantee future potential buyers are going to want to know that you don’t provide it and that you insult and threaten any customer who has a problem with your template.

Review Left On 07/29/2022
unfortunately after days and hours spend on it i still dont know how and where to change the opacity of the skitter box…if someone have an idea, please send an mail.

Review Left On 08/12/2022
Hi there,
I have a problem. I have purchased Benz Template and also AEON Template and both appears with a blank screen. I followed your adviced and downloaded the blank Template, set to default but nothing appears, nothing happens.
Could you please be so kind and make me able to use your great work?
Thanks ahead!

Review Left On 08/25/2022
Please contact me via PM and try to be more explicit: what button, what you do and what you expect? Thanks

Review Left On 09/06/2022
i had News Show Pro GK4 ver. 3.1.3 in my template but in the explorer does not play well, this module plays vertically and not horizontally only in the explorer so i tryed to download mod_news_pro_gk4_J!25.zip and the problem fixed, plays perfect horizontally in all browsers except one thing the images disappear. why ? can you help me?

Review Left On 09/24/2022
How do i remove the fade in of the button, when i put my mouse over a menu item, a drop down box appears over it .. how do i remove this ? it gets in the way and is confusing..