Look At Me is a simple and fluid one page portfolio or image gallery. Check out the live demo to see the many different colors and layout examples. Included is a jQuery contact form, just add you email address. This theme features the new ‘Masonry’ jQuery script to stack your thumbnails left to right and vertically. It is a distinctive and professional look. The logo, navigation and header text all use CUFON fonts. The template comes with 9 CUFON fonts to choose from to fit your style. No PSD comes with this theme as it only uses a couple of graphics, mostly for the background. The theme is engineered to show off your own work. This site is ‘fluid’ – It will expand to fill any size screen. The Style Changer is inclu... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Really nice template. Very easy to modify.
Is it possible to insert adsense units in this website. Either in the thumbnails, or else in the description left column?

Review Left On 04/16/2022
“We noticed that if a user clicks on a sort category, clicks on an image to see the enlarged view and then hits the forward or back nav buttons the page scrolls through all the images instead of just the category the user was viewing.
Is there a way to only scroll through the current category?”
before this problem not solved i not buy this template. please answer. sorry for bad english

Review Left On 04/18/2022
+1 Lyrid’s comment above.
I’d like to buy this but the problem should be fixed.
Presenter - Multi Purpose Showcase
Greenmonster - Landing Page Template
Oval - Creative OnePage PSD Template
Blogging story HTML5 Blog template
Awesome Company

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hey kperezmon, subcategories, yes.
Shopping cart, welllll. If you use a shopping cart widget like Paypal and some others have then it’s pretty easy. Google it.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hello everyone, Sirat here.
I apologize for the lack of replies. I’ve been out of the game for a while.
Wanted to answer 2 common questions for now:
This is NOT a Wordpress theme. There is a category here on ThemeForest for Wordpress templates.
As for defining a sort category that appears first and hides the others:
This template was built with an awesome jQuery script called Masonry by a jQuery wiz named David DeSandro.
He has since released a newer version of the script that can do these other things and many more. It’s called Isotope.
I can’t include this new version because of licensing. You, however, as an end user could download it from him and replace Masonry.js in my template and get the new features. For free.
I’ll try to return soon with more answers to your questions. Later.

Review Left On 05/12/2022
Just bought this template.
Why is an iframe virus found by Avast in the altlayout.html file??

Review Left On 08/12/2022
Hey sirat have a question:
Can I have subcategories in the menu?
Thank you

Review Left On 08/15/2022
Hi I love this theme and have used it for sometime, my question is do you plan to do any updates? I noticed the scripts you use have been updated since this release. To anyone wondering if this is a great buy, after using it for about a year I really like how simple and easy it is to use and modify, especially since I got it when I knew minimal coding. For the price and what it does,its totally worth it.
My only suggestion is that you break apart the categories into its own files, have calls to it and that way its easier to modify and keep track of whats on the site.