NEW Template is a modern multipurposes template. It can be used by a creative agency, a coorporate compagny or as personal portfolio for a freelancer . The template is responsive, you can view it also in the mobile/tablets devices and it looks very nice in thoose devices. All the html ,css, javascript code are well organized and commented to make any change easy to do without any problems. The template have : Responsive layout Retina Ready One page navigation Html 5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Unique design Client Caroussel Slideshow Single Page Project Parallax The images used in this template are not included with the main... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Great work. Only thing would be fixing the parallax images on browser resize. This said, I am very happy with my purchase!

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hello !
Is there a easy way to have a video from vimeo instead of the image in the header ?
Thank you !

Review Left On 04/29/2022
I have a problem with the Template in iMac 27” because you can see Parallax Effects only if Safari or Chrome is in full Screen. How Can I Fix it?
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Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi there,
just bought this theme. How do I implement it? I downloaded it and now don’t know what to do next…
Thanks for any help!

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hello again,
Not sure it’s good to answer in a previous message so i ask my question again hoping for some help : how can i have a fullscreen (responsive) vimeo video instead of the opening slider ?
what would be the code for that ?
Thanks a lot !