You may also like one of our latest templates! ProUI is a responsive and full featured Admin Template powered by the popular Bootstrap framework. It overwrites the default Bootstrap style to match its own modern and clean design and at the same time extends it to a large degree without being too complicated and losing its simplicity. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, template’s UI components can easily be replicated without losing focus from development. ProUI is a professional, modern, complete and flexible Admin template that can be used to build all kind of projects: Web Applications, Backend Websites, Websites, Custom Admin Panels, Admin Dashboards, CMS, CRM or even a Portfolio, Blog, Business Website. We encourage y... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
hi, nice template
how do I create datatable filters?
then how do I make multiple datatable in a single page in datatable? if possible so how can i change the script below? thank you
var TablesDatatables = function() {
return {
init: function() {
/* Initialize Bootstrap Datatables Integration */
/* Initialize Datatables */
columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: [ 1, 1 ] } ],
pageLength: 10,
lengthMenu: [[10, 20, 30, -1], [10, 20, 30, 'All']]
/* Add placeholder attribute to the search input */
$('.dataTables_filter input').attr('placeholder', 'Cari');

Review Left On 04/11/2022
The template is really creative & awesome and also cater all my development needs.
I am facing a bit issue in theme selection.
My requirement:
I want the theme color, header style & page style to be saved in database & not in cookie. I have figured out the way to do it, but dont know it will work or not.
Ques. 1 = How can I do it. Any approach you can suggest?
I have tried to do that manually by adding theme path in head section below
but then theme selection in sidebar is not working. Its only working for default theme.
Ques. 2. Please help me in this.
Thanks & Regards

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hello guys, is there any chance to release some updates on this theme? It seems like it has the same popularity like OneUI which is always up to date.
Flattening - Responsive One Page Template
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Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi, thank you very much for your purchase and kind comments, we are very glad you like ProUI!
Please send us a message from our profile’s contact form from the account the purchase was made and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Review Left On 04/24/2022
I will happily pay for a bootstrap 4 version of this! No need to add in NPM or larval stuff though! Just exactly what you have done here. A simple theme ready templated. If you need to add and use NPM etc then that should be up to end user. Templates have become more and more convoluted in their use but ProUI is great, simple and flexible just getting a little old that’s all.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi, could you send me any documentation on using the dropzone class for file uploading and configuration example for PHP?

Review Left On 05/27/2022
Hi there, this is just to let you know that ProUI is featured in our latest roundup post on Tuts+ 15 Feature-Packed Bootstrap Admin Templates. Great job!

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Sir , can buy this template to use my application which i gonna develop ERP application and upload codecanyon , please give me a genuine answer .

Review Left On 07/02/2022
I want to buy this theme, have some questions attached to my head, do you have the front-end theme horizontal menu 3rd? Are there data table action buttons?

Review Left On 07/04/2022
I want to know if it’s possible to use big search bar here :
from the front end
in the back end here :
in order to search in the datatable ?
It will be the main feature of my future application, and I want to know if it’spossible before buying.
And also, i see that some pages have .php extension, do I will have all the page in full HTML only ?
and btw nice job

Review Left On 07/11/2022
Hi, is this just a frontend theme, or does it come with a full backend code as well?
In other words, do we need to integrate this with another web application (CMS), or can we used it by itself as a stand alone application?
Will you be able to send a screenshot of the files/folders structure of this template just to have an idea of what we will get.

Review Left On 07/21/2022
Hi, I have a question, I have a laravel project and I wanted to integrate ProUI to this framework but I have a problem with the css file in the public folder.
the original file is like this:
When I use the asset in laravel
the file don’t work
Please help me , the template is very good

Review Left On 10/02/2022
I would love to use these theme but only with Bootstrap 4. Are you guys going to update it with the latest Bootstrap?