Are you looking for a great WordPress developer to help you with your website? CONTAINS BOTH PURE HTML AND PHP (PHP INCLUDES ONLY) VERSIONS OF SENTINEL CORE FEATURES: Multilingual Flag Switcher “Revolution Slider” script included for FREE 100% Responsive Retina Ready Fully customizable Many Colors / Skins Boxed/Wide Layout Sidebar Right/Left/No Anywhere Font Awesome Icons Integration Advanced Portfolio 500+ Google Fonts SEO Entire Set of 30+ PSD’s Custom Widgets “Recommend This” buttons Breadcrumb Navigation Custom Titlebars Pricing Table Countdown FAQ 4 Blog Post Formats 4 Portfolio Layouts Google Maps Integration Changelog Please see the changelog here: changelog Attributions \u0026amp; Credits Images... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi, I am unable to register my Item Purchase Code with your forum in order to ask a question there.
I am certain I have the code copy/pasted correctly, am logged in to your forum, and am at the page that says “Add License Key”. When I paste the key and press the button, I get the message: “Your purchase code has been added”, yet beneath that it says “You have yet to add your first license key. Please use the form above.”
And I still do not have access to ask my question on the forum. I’ll ask that question here too, just in case: When I run the template after unzipping, all the photos look greyed out. Why is that? Thanks

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hello, just a quick question. Does your template support Arabic? I need my template to be bilingual (Eng-Ar). Thank you!

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hi there!
Please open:
/js/global.js, around line 468:
replace this:
// sortable filters
$('.portfolio_sortable a').click(function(){
var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
$container.isotope({ filter: selector });
return false;
with this:
// sortable filters
$('.portfolio_sortable a').click(function(){
var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
$container.isotope({ filter: selector });
return false;
and lastly, in your main stylesheet file (either style.css or global.css, depends on the template version) find this:
.portfolio_sortable_wrapper:hover .portfolio_sortable
and change it to this:
.portfolio_sortable_wrapper:hover .portfolio_sortable,
.portfolio_sortable_wrapper .portfolio_sortable.hovered
so in the end it should look similar to this:
.portfolio_sortable_wrapper:hover .portfolio_sortable,
.portfolio_sortable_wrapper .portfolio_sortable.hovered {
opacity: 1;
height: auto;
Hope this helps
Thanks and cheers! —FRESHFACEIf you like the item and want to support us, please consider rating it in “My Account -> Downloads”.SUPPORT TOOLSSend us your WP/FTP login in privateFOLLOW US
Minimal Responsive HTML5 Blog template
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Review Left On 04/19/2022
hi there!
How can i use the search button to my advantage is not working is there a plugin or some thing that i have to buy or is in the files?
thank you!!!

Review Left On 04/22/2022
In Pages, I am having trouble saving any changes to the “Titlebar” options.
For instance, on our “Contact” Page, I cannot get the Google Maps Titlebar to save the coordinates for our location; in fact, I cannot even get the “No Titlebar” option to save…so I’m stuck with the default Google Map location in Paris.
Help appreciated, thanks!

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Estimated I Have unloaded Sentinel – Responsive Multi-Purpose Control Yourself and I do not achieve to do that the mail come from the form of contact .. since I make it work, it does not come I list? I wait for his help, thank
my mail : [email protected]

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I have problem with ipad & all of mobile device because link below image slide can’t click. Please check when you display on responsive device

Review Left On 04/25/2022
The package could not be installed. The style.css stylesheet doesn’t contain a valid theme header.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Buenas tardes, tengo una pregunta espero hablen español, tambien publicare en ingles, es posible configurar este template, para que un idioma sea en español?. Gracias.
Good afternoon, I have a question I hope you speak Spanish, I will also publish in English, it is possible to configure this template, so that one language is in Spanish.? Thanks.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Good afternoon! we chose the template And we have to refine a couple of pages, please tell us whether it is possible to do this, how and how much one page development is worth.
Thank you!

Review Left On 06/13/2022
Why does the portfolio filter function not work on iPhones and iPads? Is the a fix for this bug?

Review Left On 07/18/2022
I’ve got some pre-buyer questions for the sentinel html theme:
#1 What version of Rev Slider is in it? I need at least one that allows for Static Layer to rely on top of every slide;
#2 How do the “flag” / multilingual system work. I assume we have to write different html/php pages for each language but is the “switching” code inbuilt?
#3 The code to make the Contact7 Plugin work is included (this not being an wp theme)?
Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 08/02/2022
I wanna buy your template but i need to know something first.
It comes with default data/info populated?
For me it is much easier to modify your already created template page with my info and pictures than create every page from beginning.

Review Left On 10/01/2022
Just bought the template, but the contact form isnt working properly. When i try to send a mail in the form it replies with: The requested URL /file/bt/wp/contact-us/ was not found on this server.
What to do, to make this work?
Best regards
I’ve bought the HTML version