DreamLand is a responsive, modern and clean under construction / coming soon template. This minimal template is being packed with a countdown timer, full screen navigation menu, mailchimp subscription form, social icons, about page, portfolio and contact page where you can write some information and location Also DreamLand allow you to use 4 type of background style. Static image background , fade slideshow background, kenburn effect slideshow and youtube video background. Main Feature Full screen image background Image slider background Youtube Video as background Working ajax Mailchimp Subscribe form Fully responsive Jquery Countdown Timer Easily customizable Well organized and documented Google web fonts Social... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/05/2022
We love your template, but want to change the dimensions of the photo used. (We’d like to eliminate the initial zoom and use an aspect ratio of 3:2.)
Can you recommend how we can turn off the zoom and change the dimensions?

Review Left On 08/08/2022
Hi, is it possible, that you put in there a background-image fallback in your responsive youtube version? On my iPhone is no background in youtube version. If I get this option, I would buy your script.
- Tim
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