We are proud to present you XXL – real multipurpose vCard. It’s so flexible, that you could use it basically for all types of businesses, entertainment, sports and more. This Template includes multiple Profile versions don’t forget to check them out )” title=” :)” /\u0026gt; Give it a try, see how universal it is. Possibilities are endless. Please note that images from preview are not attached to the package. Important Notice to All Buyers \u0026amp; Prospects! Please note that we have updated our Support Policy we kindly ask you to read it and follow the corresponding instructions when you require support... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
This is an awesome theme, it’s very clean and user friendly. I have one question it that I haven’t figured out, is there a way to insert my client’s logo into the website? I was able to put the name and slogan through the XXL Options but I didn’t see a spot for the logo.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hello how can i change the width of the site. can i easily increase the size. Can i use full size or can i just increase the

Review Left On 07/04/2022
THIS IS GREAT WORK @uouapps. It really shows how the use of Profiles can be used for Each Person. I think you should look to submit a screenshot for the Pop Up display instead of the Thumbnail Image “XXL Multipurpose Card”
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Review Left On 07/21/2022
Hey there, Love this template as it’s just what I was looking for. I’ve noticed one small glitch that I can seem to find a cause for. I’ve configured my twitter feed in and all works fine but when it refreshes from tweet to tweet I can see movement by about 1-2 pixels in the main navigation bar. Seemingly removing the border for a random nav item in the bar. It does it regardless which skin I try. Any ideas? Thanks for the awesome work,

Review Left On 09/20/2022
Hello how can i change the size of the last child in the menu bar on small devices, what i mean is when i open my website on Iphone and click on menu bar button it display but the last one is coming vertical and i want to make it look like the rest of the menu bar “Horizontal”.
this is my website, it has 2 language Arabic and English. http://ctm-code.com/
thank you