SmartOn - Ultimate Boostrap HTML5 Responsive Theme
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SmartOn is the ultimate HTML5 Theme that will help you build your unique and modern websites fast and easy. With tons of layout possibilities, unlimited variations, multiple colors and a bunch of features you can create one unique variation in just a moment. The theme comes with over 90 html pages that will help you create your unique version. Main Features: HTML5 and CSS3 Boostrap 3 Responsive Design (can be disable) Premium Homepage Slider(Revolution Slider — $12) included in the template CSS3 Animation Parallax Background Working Contact Form \u0026amp; Twitter widget Wide \u0026amp; Boxed Layouts 20 Pattern Background (boxed version) Unlimited Colors Multiple Styles 5 Home page styles 6 H... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hello Fourgrafx, I bought the theme some time ago but now it doesn’t work ion the google maps area, it seems I have to add an api key from google but I got no idea where I have to insert it in. Thanks in advance for helping

Review Left On 06/05/2022
Hello Sir;
I’m just an ameteur for web. Could you please explain how to set the active button at navigation bar for every page. Because when I try to cancel dropdown menu and put just a one linked button, I can not make that button activated when the page opens.
Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 06/27/2022
As an addition about my previous question, for example, I would like to use blog page as product specification page. However, on the navigation bar the blog button is activated, not products button. This is the problem. Please give the answer as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
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Review Left On 06/28/2022
Hi kemalarik,
To make your contact form work please do as follow.
Open the file contact/process-form.php. Edit the e-mail address on line 62 and set your own one. This will be the address where the e-mails sent from contact form will come. You can also set multiple e-mails by separating them with commas.
The subject for e-mail sent can also be set by modifying line 60.
If you need more modifications, like changing the success/error messages, you should edit file contact/process-form.php as well as contact.php and change the values in corresponding places. Just browse through the above mentioned files to locate those fields.
Also be sure to use the contact.php file and not the contact.html file top have a working contact form.
Hope this helps.

Review Left On 08/06/2022
Hello FourGraFx, I am having heavy problem at making the search function to work. I installed the site and nothing. I tried to use it even in the demo sample in themforest and I can see it doesn’t work either. Can you please explain about it? thanks in davnace for hel

Review Left On 09/28/2022
Hello. I am having problem with adjustment on php files. I just would like to get e-mails on contact pages when people write me and when they push the button “contact us” or “send” I just would like to get the emails. What should I do because more than one year I cant fix this problem.