If you like our themes, please don’t forget to rate it. This helps us a lot Template ID : PRS050106 Auto Parts Prestashop Responsive Theme is specially designed for auto store, auto spare parts, cars \u0026amp; bikes and tools store. Auto Pars prestashop responsive theme is looking good with it’s colors combination. All sub pages are customized. It is very nice with its clean and professional look. Compatibility Prestashop Version,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, General Features Cloud Zoom to enlarge product images. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly Optimized for Fast L... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi we didn’t use Prestashop so we don’t know how is it compared to WP’ woo commerce…is it easy to work with it enough. Can we import database easy from excel files with integrated add-on or we must buy additional module and what is the price? We have an auto spare parts market and we need to make it online too – we need main categories with the car brands. Than we have models. And we need additional categories for every model. We need also two IDs part numbers – one for our categorization and one for the original part number from the manufacture. We also need advanced search step by step module so the users can select the car then select model then select other category etc. So is it possible whit your platform and what is your suggestion. Thank you for your time.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Is there any way to make the left Column a little wider? I have a vehicle search module that is a little too wide and overlaps.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I just purchased the theme and there is no package for and no theme installer module in my prestashop version.
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Review Left On 06/06/2022
Yes, It’s possible to make wider left column, You need to edit in CSS file. Please contact to our technical team with all your details at https://www.templatemela.com/support/ so they can guide you.

Review Left On 07/01/2022
pre-sell question – first congratulation for the good theme. We need step by step search with brand name, model, year, categs and sub categs. we have more than 50 000 records in excel and want to import them in your platform. Is there a module for automatic import and module for advanced search. are they included in the template and if not what is your suggestion? Can we have 50 000 records or it will be bad and slow with tour template/platform. We’ve used only WP till now. Is it easy enough to manage prestashop? We send you a link to xls file with sample records http://www.iscona.com/_files/db_sample.xls

Review Left On 07/30/2022
Hi you should update your documentation cause is very old and lot of user don t understand it we are not using PS 1.4 since 3 years .. lol

Review Left On 09/17/2022
Hello,button ‘Add to cart’ and ‘Quick view’ in main page not translated.I am begging for help!