Hawiki forum theme works with latest phpBB 3.3 version. Support for any language including RTL Contains 17 predefined colour versions All images looks great on any resolution Great responsive view Footer blocks for your content Customizable sidebar Dropdown menu Using Font Awesome icons Open Sans font Detailed documentation Quick support... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hey just a head up Gramziu. I tried your theme on phpbb 3.2.8 and after getting the theme installed, it was all going good until I needed to log back in. Every login page says, ‘The submitted form was invalid’. Apparently this bug was fixed in the recent update but can be caused by themes that haven’t had the changes. I tried making the changes recommended myself but to no avail. :/

Review Left On 04/21/2022
need an update for 3.2 the recaptcha no longer works as it needs to updated to the 2.0 Thanks

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hello! Sorry for bothering. I have some questions! How do I manage Right Sidebar to insert ADS and “Widget” ? Well, there is a “custom settings” in the ACP or I have to do it by text editor, css and html? Thanks!
Straightway - Coming soon unique creative Page
Wedding Ceremony
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Avensis - One Page Responsive Parallax Template
Teacher- Education One Page Responsive Template

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi , is “Registration verification via mail” is available in this theme ? Please let me know .

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Great theme and I’m loving it so far. Two quick questions if you don’t mind:
Is it possible to have the sidebar render after the main content body?
Is it possible to have the recent posts displayed on the main index body page rather than the side bar?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Can I get emergency support?
I can not make the forum setup. I have files but I do not know how to do it.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi I added my logo and pictures and for some reason the list of forums shifted down and now there’s a big blank void. Here’s the link to the index of my forums http://www.williamstester.com/tech_forums/index.php

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I have two questions, if you can help me:
- in the sidebar, images in responsive or mobile mode, do not fit the screen, that is, they are aligned to the left with a color fill up to the right margin. Is it not possible for images to occupy the entire width of the screen, in the mobile version?
- I installed the “Recent Posts” extension, but it took up the entire width of the site, over (before) the forum and over (before) the side menu. Is it possible to put this over the main forum, keeping the sidebar on the right?
Best regards,
Jose Veiga

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I’m interested with your template, if I have blogspot (Google), can I insert the template to our blogspot.com? Let me know, thanks a lot for your support

Review Left On 05/23/2022
Modern & Good looking Theme. The Costumization Guide comes with the Theme will help you with all the Theme functions. Also very good and quick support. This seller has been added to my favourite list!

Review Left On 06/12/2022
Hi, I am interested in this forum theme, I wonder if this theme allows admin to upload with the files for customer to download?

Review Left On 08/11/2022
What about demo details?
I am not so good in css3 and html5. Could I move profile block (topic page) to the left?