Straightway – Coming soon unique creative Page Template is suitable for creative portfolio, fashion, studio agencies. It Responsive so it looks great in Desktop, Tablet and Mobile device. This template can also be suitable for creative one page template and vcard for freelancer and contractor Features: Fully Responsive design Bootstrap frame work Retina Redy, pixel perfect view in retina device like ipad and iphone Animated Home page, You can set the In time for each element using data-attribute Supersized Background Image slideshow Font Awesome Animated Tweeter Feed Count down Timer Ajax Contactus \u0026amp; Joinus form Dark \u0026amp; Light version Plain \u0026amp; Transparent Background Easily modify the home page... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I purchased this theme thinking it was for wordpress. Can I please get the wordpress version? Thanks!

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi – Map isn’t working _ in the console it is calling up error google API missing – any ideas as to resolve this?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi, again …I’m trying to make the mailer.php and mailler.joinus.php send me the mail but it doesn’t work, would you help me?
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Avensis - One Page Responsive Parallax Template
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Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi, I appreciate your excellent work. I im trying to make the mailer.php and mailler.joinus.php send me the mail but doesnt work, would you help me ?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi I was for some reason the text is not as crisp on a mobile device when it comes to the about us page and the nav-tabs here is the link if you pull it up on a mobile device and click on about us or click on services and scroll down to testimonials youll see what I’m talking about

Review Left On 06/30/2022
In my big screen the slideshow background images are not covering the full screen, can this be fixed?

Review Left On 07/07/2022
When is the wordpress version coming FMedia?!
Need it ASAP!
Kind Regards!

Review Left On 08/22/2022
Just wanted to say, I am still loving this design, so do my clients. I have bought two licenses now. I have 3 more clients that really like this so I am pretty busy, thanks partly to you.

Review Left On 09/05/2022
Firstly, this is just Awesome, it is exactly what I was looking for.
I’ve been doing pretty well, your documentation is above average, thank you for that.
But there is one thing I am finding difficult (Sorry) I am trying to add a link to the contact page from within the about us page but I am not having any luck. Could you please give me an example code in the following manner. (where “contact us” below would be the link.
If you would like further information please “Contact Us“
Thank you so much for your work it is perfect for me.

Review Left On 09/13/2022
Hi… great theme… I have two problem..
1. How can i put “instagram” icon in custom social icons section? i couldn’t find its image in image folder.
2. How can i make the page full responsive?? I wanna make the page responsive for desktop,tablet landscape,tablet portrait,smartphone landscape,smartphone portrait. Beside, i don’t know pixel size of pictures that fits to any of them.