FEATURES: 4 different homepages – slider, fullscreen parallax slider, fullscreen slider, fullscreen parallax video Onepager and multipage Unlimited colors FontAwesome icons included (250+ Icons) Responsive HTML5/CSS3 design Twitter Live — you can automatically show a stream of tweets (PHP required), uses latest Twitter API Flexslider (supports video, any HTML content) with parallax effect Animate any element when user scrolls to – select any of 60+ effects Working contact and newsletter form (requires PHP) — it even supports Gmail accounts Parallax effect Wide design – 1170px Built with Bootstrap 3 Mobile First For PRO users – LESS files included Lightbox images preview Clean and multipurpose design Based on a unique design templ... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
We answered that already here, on our support forum.
Thanks, ThemeWoodmen

Review Left On 04/19/2022
I bought the Pluto Parallax HTML template on 11 October 2017 under the name Solis Ortus S.V. The order number is 68864486. I need help extending the number of input fields in the contact form. Which files do I have to update so that the fields I add would be recognized by the php post script?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
hello again, i kind of lost here but i need to do the following:
i want to add an attach file button to my contact form so only .jpg, .doc and .pdf are allowed, how can i do this?
Tesoro - Super Simple Landing Page
Love.ly - One Page Typographic Parallax PSD
Heylone - Responsive One Page Parallax Template
iCreative - OnePage Portfolio WordPress Theme
BurgerHouse – Restaurant – Responsive PSD Template

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Please help!
Sometimes, I receive an empty contact email, that shows like this:0:
3: The problem is, this used to happen like once a week or so. But since yesterday, I receive one every 3-5 minutes!

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello we bought this template considering we will get the HTML files not the wp theme , is this possible ?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Great work, absolutely love this!
One question I hope you can help with, I have changed some of the header colours (purple block) which shows on the desktop version but not on a mobile device. Can you please tell me how I also change on the mobile version?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Kind Regards

Review Left On 06/03/2022
The support forum rejects my purchase code, so I can’t post this there:
For the timeline, I just get a spinner with “LOADING TIMELINE…”. I haven’t worked with the template for six months or so; this did not used to occur. This happens on the stock download as well as the timeline I put together. Safari 8.0.5.