Tesoro is one page super simple HTML5\u0026amp;CSS3 landing page template that you can use for your business or service. It uses ultra responsive layout which can be viewed on devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktops.Tesoro has modern and clean design, super easy to customize and well detailed for beginners. Reviews buyers Template Features Responsive Layout One Page Template HTML5/CSS3 W3C Valid Built With Bootstrap 3.0.3 Clean \u0026amp; Modern Code Developer Friendly Commented Code 7 Predefined Color Schemes SEO Optimised Page Layouts (heading use etc.) Google Analytics Ready Cross Browser Compatability Full Functional Contact Form Mailchimp Flex Slider Integration P... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Excellent template. I’m very happy with it. It has been very easy to use, even for a beginner like me.
You claim IE9 compatibility. In IE9, the images and text on the cover section do not appear. My guess is something about the animation is causing problems. I have tried this in IE9 on two Windows 7 computers. The only thing visible is in the cover section is the background image. Is there a quick fix for this? Everything else in IE9 seems to work correctly.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Nice template. I have a pre-purchase questions: can the mobile image customized to setup with 3 images slider that auto render?

Review Left On 07/20/2022
A grate theme and well documented .
i also would like to mention the grate support given to me with a lot of patience and open mind until i got my exact result.
Highly recommended.
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Review Left On 07/30/2022
Hi. There is an issue where on load, we see the page, then the load screen (with the %) and then the page again. Do you have a fix for this?
Also, in the price tables, when mouse is on hover, the coloured box is square, but the underlying border has rounded corners. So the square bleeds out of the corners. Would be good not to see those corners.

Review Left On 08/04/2022
Can you code these theme to RTL instead of LTR ?
Please contact me at [email protected] for farther info of what i need.