SIMPLICITY is an creative flat retina WordPress theme. Main Features Smooth Loading Animations – Each elements on the page loads smoothly using animation. As you scroll the page and other elements get focused they continue to load. Fully Customizable Headers – Each page can have it’s own custom header with different height and background image or slider. Also you can have fixed header ON/OFF. AJAX Animations ON/OFF – Choose between 4 fluid AJAX animated transitions between pages for a creative experience or turn AJAX off to create a classic website. Besides the predefined animations, create your own scenario by choosing animation type for any page individually. Bonus Parallax... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
hi , this is my first time to work on a website so my questions are:
does this theme support arabic language if i am planning to create a bilingual website?
how to reach your support team if i needed ur help?

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I am not good at English, I hope you can understan what I say…
pre sale question:when I looking the demo site, I found that have to wait about 1~2s to load elements each of them(eg.logo,menu,layerslider), I feel that really a long time to load all these elements completely,if I purchased the theme, can I customized the loading tranform animate during time ? I would like the page loading more quickly, thanks
Best Regards

Review Left On 04/12/2022
I have a client running Simplicity 1.10.0 from woothemes, is this the same as this version? We need to upgrade asap as we are having some issues and didn’t realize woothemes is no longer in business. Please let me know before we purchase.
Demonica - Responsive Multi-Purpose Template
Metropol - Responsive Coming Soon Template
Grand 404 Animated Error Page Template
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Corridor - Responsive, Clean, Coming Soon Template

Review Left On 04/16/2022
The LayerSlider WP plugin requires activating. The purchase code used to buy the theme doesn’t work. Please advise.

Review Left On 04/17/2022
I need to be able to create homepage design, the way I want.
Is there anything like, Visual Composer or something in admin panel?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
To anyone looking to purchase this item. Be aware that when installing the demo data… it contains around 1774 spam comments. So you will need to use screen options and set the items higher to select as many as you can to delete.
The author should have cleaned up the site data before exporting to have avoided this issue.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
I know this doesn’t come with Visual Composer but I love the style of this page especially the counters and paralxxed features as well as the button. Can I just download it seperately and use it for this theme?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi team, thanks for such great theme. I need your help – today I got an alert telling me that there are malicious files in the theme Simplicity. It also seems like it has something to do with the LayerSlider included in your theme. Would be great if you could give me some assistance with this asap. Thanks a lot!

Review Left On 05/03/2022
i cant activate the slider, activation code that came with installation didnt work.
it’s very difficult and i could know hot submit a ticket on your website.
kindly reply ASAP.

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Great theme.
I have a problem since update.
Emails never arrive from the theme page contact form.
Here is my ticket number : #1043761

Review Left On 06/14/2022
Hi, I just installed the Simplicity theme and wanted to import the demo and adjust that. But when I do i get a “The server is temporarily unable to service….” error. I’m new to Wordpress, does anyone have a clue what could be causing this error ?
Thanks, Ronald

Review Left On 07/16/2022
Thanks for being interested in our software.
Unfortunately, Simplicity is one of our first themes, and it does not have Visual Composer plugin bundled with it. Maybe you should consider choosing some other theme which is shipped with Visual Composer plugin, like Bridge, Elision, Strata.
If you have any other questions, just let us know and we’ll be happy to reply.

Review Left On 07/28/2022
I have a few questions/issues:
1. The provided purchase code for the LayerSlider does not work. Could you please provide one that does?
2. The demo content for the LayerSlider uses an old structure that no longer seems to work. Could you please provide a works demo import for the LayerSlider?
3. The demo content import brought in a bunch of spam comments. You may need to do some cleanup on your side.

Review Left On 08/22/2022
may i know if we can access the dashboard before we purchase? any refund if the theme didn’t meet our expectations in lets say 15 or 30 days?

Review Left On 09/14/2022
Ok. Im so frustrated I almost want my money back.
English is my second language. Sorry for grammar mistakes. Not sorry for bad language out of frustration.
I’ve expended all of the day looking how to instal this theme on wordpress.
I’ve been dealing with the following problems:
1. In all the tutorials on how to instal the theme it says that once you download the files to your computer you have to un zip the file and then a folder appear which must contain in this case. Well it doesn’t. When I un zip the file on my mac by double clicking, yes a folder called Simplicity appears, then I open the folder and it DOEST contain the fucking file.
2. I just created wordpress and after looking all the fucking day, for the answer to my problems I found in one forum that you have to upload this kind of external themes via Which supposed to be and external software of something. Then I created a account and tried to uppload the file (the whole folder) cus like I said the zip file that suppose to appear doesn’t.
And a message appear saying that there is already a simplicity theme name, and I should pick another name.
I also got a domain on wordpress and first I got personal plan and even updated to premium on hope to solve these problems.
So as you can see I have a problem inside a problem inside a problem. And I already have expended a lot, so I need to instal everything myself or I want my money back.
I will be waiting for your quick answer. Thank you