- Buzzsprout embed player is supported Don’t see a platform you want to embed from here? Drop a comment, and it will be looked into. Podcaster a multimedia theme for WordPress 5 (5.8 ready) Supports Audio \u0026amp; Video Playlists! Podcaster is a clean, flexible and responsive WordPress Theme. It supports native audio and video players as well as oEmbed. Manage your podcast or screencast with Podcaster. The styling is very versatile. Choose between dark and light templates, choose a highlight color, the type of font or custom headers on the front page, blog page and any other custom page templates. General Features Fully responsive theme Th... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Whenever I enable Redux on my sight it slows it way down. I even bought pro to try to fix but I lose all theme functionality when I disable standard and enable pro

Review Left On 04/08/2022
I am also receiving the “Cannot load pt-one-click-demo-import.” after clicking Podcaster > Import Demo Data.
Is there a solution to this issue?

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Just purchased and installed Podcaster. Attempting to download the demo files for “Environment” theme. When choosing to import this (or any) demo I get the error: “Cannot load pt-one-click-demo-import.” What has gone wrong? Thanks.
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Easy Living - Real Estate PSD Template

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi, when I go to update copy on a theme category page, I am getting a 500 internal server error when I try to submit the text edit. This never happened before I fully updated the theme and plugins yesterday. What could be causing this?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Can you please add Amazon Podcasts to the Social Media options? https://music.amazon.com/podcasts Thanks!

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I am also receiving the “Cannot load pt-one-click-demo-import.” after clicking Podcaster > Import Demo Data. The import page does not load and there is no log file in Media Library.
Doing some of my own research, it appears this needs to be updated within the theme: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/too-many-requests-pt-ocdi-plugin_page_setup-filter/#post-14280977
Is there any workaround until this is resolved?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Since upgrading, the player no longer appears in individual pages, but still appears on the homepage. Is this a bug?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi I sent a theme support question a few days ago and havent heard back. I need to find out how to remove the volume button on the episode block on the home page. It gets in the way of the text on desktop browers

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Great theme.
I sent an email via the support function a week or so ago but didn’t receive a response so thought I would leave a comment instead incase the email didn’t reach you.
I’ve resolved the issue I was having, but I have a separate question
I tried to create a read more tag within the excerpt but it didn’t work, I thought that would be the case and wondered if you could offer any advice.
Ideally I would like the text I’ve currently got on my home page to be a drop down when you press a “read more” button – is it possible to get any help with that? or do you know anyway I can do that?
I’ve very comfortable with CSS, HTML and very very basic PHP.
Thanks very much

Review Left On 05/13/2022
Howdy. I sent a note via item support but haven’t heard back. The front end of my site is still working fine. But in the back end I’m having issues since my last set of plugin updates. On episodes, fonts are no longer displaying correctly on the edit page—just Times New Roman. And moving blocks around is now impossible. Everything is really sluggish and slow. Same on pages, althought fonts look right on pages. I’ve tried this in Firefox and Chrome. WP 5.9.1, Template Library and Redux Framework Version 4.3.10. CMB2 Version 2.10.1 Thanks!

Review Left On 06/11/2022
Howdy! How do I add a social media icon for iheart radio? https://www.iheart.com/podcast/ Thanks!

Review Left On 06/21/2022
Great template. I do miss the option to use the podcast custom post type.
So when I use the plugin Seriously Simple Podcasting and the Podcast Importer SecondLine to import my podcast rss to post.
The theme does not show the post’s in the podcast custom post type. It only works with the internal default wordpress post type.
Another thing, there seems to be no Right Sidebar Page template. (UPDATE: I see, the default template is a right sidebar page)

Review Left On 07/10/2022
Maybe a weird question but is there also a possibility to use this Wordpress theme to generate a RSS feed which I can submit to the podcast platforms?
I really would like to keep the hosting of the podcast in-house.