Gemiz is portfolio HTML template, using most popular design trends as HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. The template has light and dark version, two styles of homepage slider (LayerSlider, Sync slider), also included fully responsive media grid plugin in portfolio page that allows you to control the layout of your item grid in the way that pleases you most. Gemiz is great for creative portfolio website or any creative business and agency, also has commented HTML code for each panel included in the theme so you can easily adapt your templates to suit your needs. HTML Main Features Template Features: - Included light and dark version - Included LayerSlider and Sync slider - Vaild HTML5 pages - Responsive Design - LayerSlider Premium Plugin - Re... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi there! Thanks heaps for an awesome template! I just needed to ask though – the special array pages seem to be missing from the pack.
Can you please help me out with this?

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello pophobic,
can you please tell how to use/customise the “Share This”-button (blog-single-slider-image.html). Where do I put my URL for facbook-button for example and where can I replace the “Share This”button-title with another text?
Regards Markus

Review Left On 04/23/2022
In the package are include typography and elements page as well?
I cannot see them in the template preview.
Advocator: Nonprofit & Charity Responsive WordPress Theme
TFW :: Fashion Related PSD Template
EmbedMail - Responsive E-mail Template
Cody - Responsive Coming Soon Html5 Template
CellCV - Personal Portfolio & Resume Site

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi, i am planning to buy this template. But before buying it, i want to know how can I integrate blog in it.
@boxhamster, I saw your website, you have blog integrated into it. Can you please share the steps??

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello, I bought the Gemiz template for Wordpress a long time ago and I have a problem with the template, it doesn’t let me update the PHP, and I need to be able to update the PHP, and since you don’t have the template, how can I do it, because the web It doesn’t have much time and I can’t change the template for the client, is there any way to correct the PHP to update?
I have version 1.2 and Child’s active version is in version 1.0
Is there a newer version that I can try?, because I can’t access, in case there is a newer version, before I deleted the template
Thank you very much.
a greeting

Review Left On 05/01/2022
I’ve purchased the template and really enjoyed working with it, it’s a great template, well done
Just need help with some minor changes
You can see what I have done so far here:
Home Page
1) With the slide show and the text, is it possible to make the background transparent?
Become a Member Page
2) Trying to make some lists with the but couldn’t get it to work?
Photo Gallery Page
3) When clicking on a image, was it to come up full size and also be able to select prev and next?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
The template doesn’t have disable responsive function yet, maybe I will add to my list for next update.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Very nice template
I can’t find any info about the subsrcibe to newsletter , i cant find out how it works. can you help me ? contact form works good

Review Left On 05/17/2022
How do I change the script so that email can use æøå ?
// validate Name
var name = $(“input#name”).val();
if (name "" || name “Name” || !regEx.test(name)) {
return false;
// validate Subject
var mysubject = $("input#mysubject").val();
regEx=/[A-Za-z .'-]+$/;
if (mysubject "" || mysubject "Mysubject" || !regEx.test(mysubject)) {
return false;

Review Left On 06/04/2022
Hi pophonic;
How to disable pagination for layerslider ?
I couldn’t fix it.
Thank you…

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Hello, I purchased your theme, but the .zip file is missing pages. I would like to get the same html template you show in the demo. I need all the “portfolio lists” (like this one – but there is a total of 5 missing html pages. I really like the theme. Please confirm and describe how to get the product as in the demo.

Review Left On 07/09/2022
Hello and thanks for a great template.
One of the things I can’t figure out is for the Portfolio thumbnails when you click on one it opens up to the size you have set. I want that size it opens up to be auto so it could be any size width or height. Where can I do this? Currently it opens up to about 450px in width. I need it to be auto depending on the image size.
Is this something you can help out with.

Review Left On 09/05/2022
Thanks for this nice template.
Two questions:
1. I tried to put a form with a searchbox between the logo and the navi in the dark layout. My standard-form looks horrible there! Do you have an idea how it fits better to the layout? But I’m not really a css-freak..
2. The same with tables.
Thank you,